[u]Maeve[/u] Maeve was ready for some kind of truculent comment from the girl when her arms immediately crossed in front of her when she sat back down. But she wasn't prepared for a wild accusation to be doing a mental evaluation. Maeve raised an eyebrow at the girl in front of her as she went from one extreme to the other, appearing to make sense of what Maeve had actually said. She smiled as Elliot turned a cute shade of red as she finally realized that Maeve wasn't a teacher or an Asylum or 'the inquisition'. She was certainly a firecracker, no mistake. A normal person would have already decided to leave and not risk pissing off the girl any further. Maeve just smiled wider. Before she could reply a sudden silence came down on the crowd behind her. She turned around to see what the sudden silence was, just in time to see Alistair begin speaking. She ignored him for most of his speech, her eyes sparking as she noticed Vail. [color=ed1c24][i]And here I was thinking invilgators and teachers had some universal rule against being pretty.[/i][/color] She turned back to Elliot, replying. [color=ed1c24]"It's good to know at least someone is excited. I'm nervous myself. Maybe even a little afraid, I haven't looked too much into it. You don't know who you're going to be partnered with. You don't know whose going to share your mind and you theirs. It wouldn't be good to have someone who is revolted by what they find in your head, or be revolted by what you find. Not to mention, every time you go on a mission there's a distinct chance you could die and a definite chance you'll kill someone. In a way, the Unlinked are the luckier ones, hmm? They don't have to worry about any of that, or going insane if whoever their working with dies. And that's not even considering how we're working for an organization that seems only to be the biggest group of Alchemists around, despite it's claims, who have no problems getting rid of us as disposable assets. So yeah, I'm nervous for certain and at least a little afraid." [/color] Maeve was completely honest. After all, there was little to no point in lying. There was every chance that this girl might become her partner, and starting off with a lie was not a good beginning to a partnership. She winked at Elliot. [color=ed1c24]"But don't tell anyone I said that, Sweetie. It'd ruin my image as a tough, cocksure chick. I'd have to tell the first person the truth and then after that it'd be nothing but work, work, work."[/color] [u]Kiara[/u] Kiara couldn't help but smile as more and more people joined to help her. Doubtlessly at least a few of them weren't there for the reasons she was, but that didn't mean they still weren't helping. [color=598527]"Yes, just unopposed."[/color] She teased Renault. [color=598527]"I don't even know your name, how can I be more than unopposed to your arrival? Though if you're hurt that badly by my mere unopposedness that much, you poor, poor baby, then I'll simply make it up to you later on. A conversation to scare you away from me, perhaps. Provided we don't become partners. Then you'll [i]have[/i] to put up with my sparkling personality."[/color] Another boy landed in front of them and spoke. [color=598527][i]I just seem to attract all kinds of flamboyant characters, don't I?[/i][/color] Kiara looked over her shoulder again at Bits. [color=598527][i]Well, some. I'll have to talk to her later.[/i][/color][color=598527]"I don't see why I should be opposed to a seventh person."[/color] She raised an eyebrow as the newcomer began to talk about RPG parties and clerics, letting the three boys talk about it (she couldn't resist a smile at the excited tone in Sparks' voice, and abrupt realization about what Omar was doing.) [color=598527]"I'm afraid I wouldn't make a very good healer, right now or in our adventuring team. Healing is not my forte. Though, Mr. Barbarian, you can show us how you'd patch your own wounds seeing as we have our hands full and it was your suggestion. Besides, I'm sure Ben here would appreciate it."[/color]