Her last memory was her sentencing in the cold walls of the court. Someone had pissed her off, she manipulated them into suicide, and was caught. She can't recall the exact details of her sentence, but when she is harshly awoken to the sounds of a boy banging on a door and yelling, Alexa has a feeling that this isn't a normal prison. Part of her wants to roll over and go back to sleep, because [i]fuck[/i], her head is pounding. They must have drugged her or something, the holes in her memory aren't natural. But he's being too loud, waking everyone up--there's no way she'll ever get back to sleep with this commotion. Her eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the room, the only source coming from fluorescent lights on the walls in the corner. She notices that she is on a bottom bunk bed, glancing around and seeing similar bunks with stirring bodies. Throwing her legs over the bed, her feet make contact with the icy cold tile and that is when she sees that her somewhat promiscuous clothing has been swapped out for blue scrubs. Muttering something about how this outfit isn't very cute, she stands up slowly and approaches the boy, who still pounds on the doors. "[b]You just woke up everyone up, you know,[/b]" Alexa rubs her eyes and says groggily. "[b]I don't think anyone is going to answer.[/b]"