Waking up to find himself on a rather uncomfortable bed was not exactly something pleasing. He was accustomed to his bed. The one that felt like he was floating on clouds. This was far too firm for his tastes and it soured his already foul mood from being woken up to a series of loud noises. Blinking away the sleep from his eyes, Eric took in the frame above him. What? Gingerly sitting up to avoid hitting his head Eric sighed loudly at the noise above him. Someone was far too cheery. The fabric of clothing against his skin felt smoother, lighter than the layers he usually wore. Glancing down he discovered he was in scrubs. Irritably he tugged at the fabric as though it had done something against him personally. Being on his person instead of the higher quality clothes he preferred was offense enough. Rising from the bed, ignoring the cold that seeped into him as he made contact with the floor, Eric turned to see who he had been bunked with. Arching a brow at the man who had seemed to not be reacting poorly to their new location, not like that kid across the room that had been beating at the door. Glad the lady could get him to stop that infernal racket. [b]"Morning Sunshine."[/b] His tone dry as he returned the man's original greeting. Glancing over at the blonde who seemed to have something wrong with her. Tasty? How did the tattooed man look tasty? [b]"This is most certainly [i]not[/i] like a vacation."[/b] Who vacationed in cheap scrubs and slept on bunk beds. What kind of vacation was that supposed to be?