Everyone was waking up, but not the way he would've liked - one by one and not causing a scene. After all, he didn't; though, to be fair, he wasn't sure if he was actually trapped in a room or if it was another trip from those weird pills he indulged in when he wasn't working, but when there wasn't any naked women, he had to assume it was real much to his displeasure. At least the blonde took notice of him, even if she did make creepy seductive gestures and he wasn't sure whether to be scared or turned on. Thankfully, a man regular looking being returned his greeting and he tossed a smile his way before sitting up from his lying position to sit on the edge of the bed and let his feet dangle, swinging them like a bored child. [b]"Not enough beach and women to be any vacation I'd want."[/b] Murphy had no intention of taking control of the situation, but rather watched as the younger ones of the group conversed. Then, turned to the others. [b]"So. You guys got names?"[/b]