For a brief moment, the situation drew parallels to a time in his past life - a vague memory to a summer camp - and having to learn who everyone was and pretending to give a shit. The girl was first and the name stuck for a good two seconds before being forgotten as soon as the older man gave his name, which was also promptly forgotten. The boy, however, decided to be a little shithead and grace him with a snarky remark rather to which Murphy squinted at him from atop his high bunk and considered what the chances were that he could get away with offering the kid to whoever was holding them here in exchange for his freedom. The chance to sling a comment back was lost the moment the doors opened and Murphy straightened up, surprised. In a flash, they claimed the girl and drug her limp body from the room, doors sliding back into place, and then she was simply gone. Murphy scowled at the boy who continued to fruitlessly pound on the doors until a scream echoed from beyond and made itself at home in their bones. It was blood-curdling and he almost winced at the sound of it. [b]"Well, that's one down,"[/b] he added lowly. Though, he didn't want to see anyone else being dragged away (except for maybe that smart-mouthed brat), he did want answers. [b]"I doubt someone would, but it'd be nice if someone did come back to tell us what the fuck is going on. Satan's gonna be pissed I didn't meet my quota this week."[/b] Except, was it even a week? Was it a day? A few hours? He remembered last being in the van after being found guilty for public intoxication again and transported to... to... somewhere, but he couldn't recall where.