[b]"Like you did so well last time?" [/b] He countered huffing at the imprudence of the young man. Arguing with his elders like he knew better. Drawing them back in here wouldn't accomplish anything. No. They would all just meet their end all the sooner for it. The scream sent a chill through him. It was one thing to be on the side that caused the screams. Another to be stuck in a room listening to someone else meet their doom. The tattooed man commented on the screams and he found himself nodding in agreement. Doing a double take as the man mentioned Satan. Really now. Interesting information to have. Before he could make a comment on the matter a 'thud' drew his attention and Eric frowned down at the fallen girl. Having missed her creeping up on them in the first place. The blonde did little more than pet her. She had to have something wrong in the head. Eric wasn't about to get any closer to the other prisoners. He couldn't even remember getting here in the first place, so why should he really bother with the other people?Turning to look at the man on the bunk, [b]"You never gave your name." [/b] Moving back to the previous topic, before the young girl fell. His eyes drifted down to the pillow from his bunk, darting over to the fallen girl. Sighing he snatched the item up, [b]"Blondie, here."[/b] he called before tossing the item over. There. Good deed of the day done.