[hider=Hiryu Vaultare]Name: Hiryu Vaultare Age: 25 Gender: Male Personality: [hider=I have quite a bit...]Hiryu is usually tense and silent in nature. Hiryu is known to brood and express himself in sighs or loud exhales of breath, giving the impression he is a typically miserable person. This isn't necessarily true, as these grunts are typically in response to Hiryu witnessing or experiencing something embarrassing and Hiryu doesn't coming across to others as anything less than a badass. He has a fierce sense of duty and looks to honour any bond of kinsman-ship or friendship from the moment they are sealed. That means he will commit to a stranger he just befriended with as much dedication as he would his oldest friend. It is owed to his ability to walk in anyone else's shoes with regards to empathy. It also allows him to mirror same drive or passion for things as his friends do at a whim; if it's important to them, it's important period. It's no peculiarity for Hiryu to walk in on a scene in the midst of a jog or a training run. Hiryu likes to move and travel by any means but under his own power or from his own effort. He becomes very agitated when he is being escorted no matter the circumstances and will always refuse a lift or to be carried, expressing "I'll walk". This is because he has a grave sense of honour with his profession. When he is called upon to transport, chase or outrun anything, Hiryu will not let the mission got until it is completed and will count it a defeat if he is beaten or stopped from completing it even if he is cheated or given an errand that is impossible to run. He considers himself to be the world's best Transporter - a title he knows few if any would even care to challenge. Hiryu will accept any challenge to his claim by putting his belt on the line in some form of wager and will always be eager to prove himself when his proclamation is questioned. He has a tendency to act like the chaperone within the group, keeping vigil over others and being the first to take the burden of responsibility without ever actually leading others. He has a secret wish to be a locker-room leader in the guild and to prove himself as a reliable figure within the family of the guild. He wishes to one day be strong enough that his name alone is enough to garner the reverence and safety of others in the guild. He has acute gynophobia. He will feel uncomfortable around older girls and might squirm if he has to share an intimate embrace or really close quarters with the opposite sex. He will fluster up when in the presence of an older woman he finds really attractive and will visibly be looking down to the ground when facing her so as not to possibly stare inappropriately at any part of her anatomy. He will talk in brief sheepish responses when such a woman tries to interact with him. He will always try to portray himself and his allies in an impressive light and will constantly recant past events making them sound a lot cooler or bad-ass than they actually were. Hiryu has a curious reaction to wind. Whenever a breeze or gust is passing over him, he never hides or shields himself from it but embraces it and his eyes dart to try and find its direction.[/hider] Appearance: [hider=Picture][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/148/1/e/Champion_by_uNReaLFuZion.png[/img][/hider] Hiryu has neither an intimidating height or build for his age, standing at 6'01 and weighing 218lbs. His brown eyes are soft and his lips thin. Overall his face has a rather youthful expression. His eyebrows naturally furrow and are thin. His hair is bronze, medium cut and fairly shaggy. He has a tanned hue and his Golden Dragoon stamp is on his left chest peck. Although his body is not that imposing, Hiryu's legs and abdomen are quite defined due to the regular and rigorous exercise he puts them through. His eyebrows are long and thin allowing him great expression through them. Hiryu's most distinctive piece of apparel is his thin, sleeveless hoodie. The front of which is white leading starkly into a deep red on the back. The lapel at the bottom tapers from waist length at the front to knee length at the back. Definitive stitches line both this jacking and the thin, form-fitting leather gloves. On the front of the gloves is the Golden Dragoon emblem. Underneath Hiryu wears no shirt but a pair of tracksuit pants, coal-black in colour and what looks like a championship title for a belt. His shoes are of the Derby/Gibson style, but the material and pattern are just like his pants, fit with a white, rubber outline around the heel and attributing crimson red laces. Championship belt about his waist. He sports a white headband around his forehead. Magic level: Medium (B Class) Type: Caster Specialization: Kinematic (aka Journey) Motion magic Style: Melee Physical mutation: N/A Spells: Vajra - By sweeping his sole against the ground, Hiryu will be able to journey through a close radius of space using more than the natural 3 dimensions of space. He will seem to phase out in a blur and phase in again in a new position instantaneously. In actuality, Hiryu is simply walking through space that would be right next to each when mapped in more dimensions, like a drawn stick figure jumping between two points on a folded piece of paper. Hiryu can teleport this way a maximum of 30 paces, either in a sequence of phase jumps or one 30-step phase jump. He cannot change the his orientation momentum by using this technique, there for if he is falling fast face-first then he will still be doing so after using this technique. Formation A Hiryu will be able to journey through air by running, giving him an ability similar to the freedom of flight. When he stops running, he will lose this ability and gravity will begin pulling him to the ground. Formation S Hiryu will be able to journey through sea/water by running, giving him an ability similar to the freedom of swimming. He will be able to move as freely through and on water as if running on the ground. This does not give him the ability to breath under water, but to move unrestricted while running. Ouroboros With Hiryu's foot-based physical attacks, he can shoot a moderate amount of ethereal magic energy in a straight line. If this magic pulse hits something, that thing will be struck as if it was hit by Hiryu's physical attack, effectively sending his physical attacks on journeys through thin air. Graham Hiryu can send the impact of one of his kicks on a brief journey across an object he connects with. When his foot or leg connects with a surface, he can make the impact appear on a different part of the surface or body. Falchion Hiryu can carry a spell from an ally on a journey towards a target but having the spell initially cast against him. Hiryu's body will glow red, during which he will be unable to use his own spells until he has delivered the spell to another target by touching them (typically with the business end of a kick). Falchion Hiryu can carry a spell from an ally on a journey towards a target but having the spell initially cast against him. Hiryu's body will glow red, during which he will be unable to use his own spells until he has delivered the spell to another target by touching them (typically with the business end of a kick). Cypher Hiryu can track the journeys of people by hearing of the targets general character and a recent event. To Hiryu, as the story/even is being described, he will see glowing marks in the way of footprints (these are not real). These foot prints will show Hiryu where the person was going and even how fast or if they paused. However, the accuracy of this spell weakens the longer the time gap between the most recent event he's using and the whatever he is trying to track. The footprints will get fainter and also branch off, eventually coming to a point where the footprints are so faint and there are so many trails that all of the ground is painted in invisible crossing footprints. It should be noted, this skill is not a means of track exactly where someone is, but where you would expect to find them. If Hiryu is given a profile of the target and a specific event which would determine where they are trying to go, this spell will not account for any other interactions or events that would change that person's direction or goal until Hiryu is aware of them. Ragnarok Hiryu will take a target on a "journey through pain". For this spell to activate, Hiryu must strike the same target in the same place with the same part of his lower body twice without either attack being blocked. They do not have to be immediately after each other, but they must be consecutive. When when Hiryu manages hit the target in this manner, the point of contact will glow in neon-blue and both Hiryu and the target will be frozen momentarily. Similarly, the last 4 successful strikes before that will light in blue on the body of the target. Neon blue mirages of Hiryu will perform the other four hits on the target and the blue markings will explode with ethereal magic pulses. No matter what the physical strikes were, the damage by the exploding pulses will always be the same. Legion Hiryu runs into his target roughly 25 times, using the Journey Magic ability to move through space by more than 3 dimensions. As he passes the opponent, he will phase back in front of them to immediately do so again. He will run into the target with kicks and knees. From the outside, it will look like a swarm of Hiryus are phasing into the opponent consecutively. Equipment: N/A Title: "Dash-Mage" Vaultare History: [hider]Hiryu was born on the wild plains of Fiore to a travelling clan of gypsies known as the Striders. The Striders Region of Fiore,as free and unpredictably as the wind. Though they could be difficult to track or follow there was always a possibility that the Striders would waft into a nearby town. The Striders skills in travelling made them excellent merchants of transportation. Couriering, escorting, message carrying - The gypsy clan could do it all. The Striders raised their young specifically to envoys, by teaching them forms of motion magic. Hiryu became the last of his generation of his clan when in his teens, terrorists used the clan to unwittingly ferry suicidal lacrima bombs into a major festival. Hiryu survived the fatal delivery job because he broke a cardinal rule of inspecting the package and realising it was a lacrima bomb and ditching his parcel off in the woods. Unfortunately, he was too slow to warn any of his brethren, and for punishment of breaking clan rules, he was dismembered from the Striders. In response, Hiryu decided to join a guild to utilise his skills and also claimed himself to be the world's best transporter to taunt his former clan for punishing him essentially for surviving.[/hider][/hider]