"Well, I think the first step is not getting marooned on a deserted island. But past that, I can't much say. We all know people died in the wreck, but some may not yet be ready to face it. Leave things be for now, don't mention it for a bit. When we get a better understanding of our situation, then we can talk about it. First, though, we need to secure food and water, and think about how we're going to get off this island." Isak wiped a line of sweat from his brow. The sun was already scorching his skin, and he could feel dehydration coming on. It was imperative to find water, and quickly. He motioned back toward the treeline where Madison stood silently and walked off in that direction. Isak nodded in greeting as he passed her, but continued on into the jungle, following the path of trampled grass back to the clearing they'd originally rested in. From there, Isak headed inland, determined to find running water. It was imperative to find running water, not a stagnant pool, as the latter was a cordial host for all kinds of disease and a breeding ground for strange insects - the thought of which made Isak shudder. He hadn't thought about it yet, but this island would probably be swarming with bugs of all shapes and sizes, and at night they'd be crawling all over his skin, into his mouth and ears, their tiny, hairy legs brushing all over his skin. Isak had to stop for a moment and hold back bile. With great difficulty he pushed the thought out of his mind and renewed his search for potable water.