[h2]Penoraya T'mivus - Raya[/h2] Raya simply raised a brow at Nik's tangent before pretending to zip up her lips and locking them and throwing away the key. But one thing bugged her in his little speech, how the hell did he know about the Ardat-Yakshi? Barely anyone out side the Asari knew about the Ardat-Yakshi, it was something her people wanted to keep others knowing about them. If there was something that her species was ashamed of it was those freaks. Though she had been accused of being an Ardat-Yakshi many times, even got a few damned Justicars after her once. But as soon as they realized she wasn't, they hunted her for other reasons. That was when she left Asari space, knowing that they didn't travel much out of it. Her thinking was suddenly interrupted when the new guy said something about the Ardat-Yakshi. He obviously didn't know what they were and how they killed, or how they were more irresistible than normal Asari. She gave a cold glare at Ardan before looking at Nik , her eyes asking if she could kick the new guys ass. But to her disappointment he shook his head, she would have to wait until the mission was over before she did any of that. The team walked until it got dark and quiet, Raya grew tense. It always seemed that when the team got to a quiet section of Omega they got shot at. When they came to the cross roads Nik gave the signal to form up. She took her position next to Nik in the front, before moving in. The stench of the rotting bodies was enough to make anyone gag, but it just reminded her of the colony that some mercs used to test weapons. Only here there was full grown aliens, no children or mothers trying to protect their babies. Raya cleared her thoughts and only breathed when she had to, but in the mean time she kept her weapon up. As they got deeper into the old building they could hear the occasional gun shot and yelling. By the sounds of it the fight was nearly over, a shame, but not overly disappointing. Hopefully though their contact wasn't dead as that would be a big hole in their plan to take down the Crimson Fist. When they came to the door that lead into the mean cargo hold a bloody Turian with what looked like pipe sticking out his chest came stumbling out. He didn't seem to even notice that they were there, [i][color=a187be]Well he is as good as dead.[/color][/i] She thought as she turned around and followed Nik into the larger room, which recently got a fresh coat of bloody paint. But what caught her attention was the Batarian trying to pull the crest off of a Krogan Crimson Fist merc. It was a hard thing to do without biotics, she would know as she did the same thing. The screams from the Krogan were that of extreme pain and rage, but he was unable to do anything. Raya knew that her team mates wouldn't be able to stand it, and with all respects they shouldn't be able to stand it. As it takes a pretty messed up person to watch as someone took someone else's life slowly and painfully. She just so happened to be that messed up person, what was worse though was that she was use to dealing out such torturous acts. Once the Batarian was done he finally noticed the group. Raya looked him over and concluded that he wasn't half bad looking, though she never had a thing for four eyes. Her preferences laid else where when it came to being attracted other species. She could hear the groans and comments of her team mates. [i][color=a187be]Are they seriously that blind that they can't see that I'm like the bastard infront of us?[/color][/i] She wondered as she was just as sick as the Batarian, prettier but messed up all the same. But then she didn't really have the opportunities to do acts like this, she had to wonder if Nik was trying to keep her from doing such things. He probably was but why? Raya remained silent, she would wait until someone asked her to speak. As after all she "talked too much".