Bill kicked his mare into a gallop. She responded easily, taking off after the stray heifer. The cow bleated as he guided Rebel in front of his wayward charge and herded her back to the group. With their task done for the moment they stood there and he pulled out a cigarette. He puffed idly watching the herd move. A shrill whistle caught Bill's attention. "Oy! Montana!" One of the other ranchers was waving his hat in the air and shouting. Bill put out his fag on his leathers and tucked the rest away for later. He kicked Rebel back into motion, just a trot this time. As he got closer he realized it was Samuel, son of the owner of Harrison Ranch. Also known as his direct superior. Bill wiped sweat off his head. "Sir?" He questioned as soon as they were in speaking range. "You know that writer?" Samuel paused and snapped his fingers. "You know, the man who was harassing Pa?" "Ya." Bill knew the man. They had to run him off with rifles. He was tenacious. Wanted something from Harrison. Wanted it bad. "He back?" He started reaching for his pistol. "Na." Sam said with a shake of his head. "He's dead." Bill blinked at his boss. "Then..." He said slowly. Why were they talking about it. "Word is Deputy Lees is coming here. Wants to chat with you." Bill huffed. Of course. Because he ran the man off they must think he went back to town to finish the job. He shaded his eyes as he looked down the road. "Do they know when he died?" "Ya. This morn." Samuel spat on the ground. Bill turned his attention back to Sam. "But I've been here all morning! And even if I weren't, I couldn't have gotten there and back to be here now!" Sam gave a rueful smile. They all knew the Railroad wanted a part of Harrison's land to build on. Harrison wasn't budging. And Alonzo, the mine owner, was saddled up with the Railroad. Everfolk was against Harrison these days, trying to take what weren't theirs. Bill cursed. Sam echoed it.