Avery watched Mr. Noonan leave and looked at Roland as he asked about the food. "Well to me its better then nothing since I was starved most of the time but it is bland and stuff for they do not seasn it and its based on the food groups mainly but your dad might ahve better luck since he is going to cafeteria so he can pick and decided what to get while patients do not have much say so." Avery xplained to Roland as she lifted the lid to her fod and started to eat her food at least. Avery just ate not minding much for she was just hungry she would eat anything these days just to eat and to satisfy her hunger. "Its not that bad unlike the last hospital I wa at now that food was bad but then again it was a chap hospital this is a nice one so it should have better food." Avery explained as she finsihed the food and ate the cake they gave her wanting to give her some extra calories to help her gain weight since she was so thin. Avery finished all her food and relaxed a bit in her bed as she got the remote and turned the TV on and tried to find a channel that was not about her and soon found one playing a movie and she left it on that channel for them to watch and relaxa bit at least.