[hider=Dawn and Elizabeth] [b]Name:[/b] Dawn [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Dawn is a bit of a bookworm compared to his sister who is always ready for an adventure despite her disabilities. He likes to be prepared for situations he is going into but is no stranger to adapting to changing situations. He is very protective of his sister and she is one of the only reasons that he will instigate a none-tournament based fight other than protecting guildmates. [b]Appearance:[/b] Dawn is slender and built for speed, he’s got a slight build but is deceptively strong. He’s five foot eight inches and a hundred and thirty pounds, his eyes are storm cloud grey and his hair is a dry earthy brown, his skin is mildly tanned but not enormously so. On his right forearm his has scars from frost burns from he and his sister’s first Unison Raid. [b]Emblem Location:[/b] His is located on his left forearm. [b]Type:[/b] Caster [b]Specialization:[/b] Elemental Fire Magic [b]Magic Level:[/b] Medium Level, Dawn possess basic control over his abilities but is not at the moment capable of summoning great amounts of flame unless in desperate circumstances. [b]Style:[/b] Though not yet trained to use magic in battle Dawn’s approach will invariable require close quarters combat as his range of magic at the moment it limited. [b]Spells:[/b] He came summon his element but has yet to receive enough formal training to be able to name spells. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]I am as yet unsure of exactly what I would place in this section.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Elizabeth [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Elizabeth’s demeanour is almost childlike in nature. When she is calm she is polite and cheerful with boundless energy. She is also easily upset and when this happens her magic is liable to go off without warning. Despite the way she acts Elizabeth is actually quite intelligent and often looks at problems in a unique light. Though she is powerful others often discount her usefulness because of her childlike nature. [b]Appearance:[/b] Elizabeth is slender and perhaps slightly skinnier than is strictly healthy, she can be fast when she chooses to, she a little smaller then her brother and because of her slight stature and childlike nature people often underestimate her. She’s two inches shorter than her brother standing at five foot six inches and a little lighter at a hundred and ten pounds, her eyes are the same storm cloud grey as her brother's yet somehow they appear like a storm on the mist of breaking while his look more like one in full swing. Her hair like her brothers is a dry earthy brown, and her skin is a little paler then his because she spends more time indoors. On her left forearm she has burn scars from her and her brother’s first Unison Raid. [b]Emblem location:[/b] Her Emblem is located on her right forearm. [b]Type:[/b] Caster [b]Specialization:[/b] Elemental Ice Magic [b]Magic Level:[/b] She commands a vast supply of untapped potential but it is just that: untapped. Though Elizabeth is a powerful mage she has very little control over her magic. Usually it manifests itself in small or large reactions when she is in emotional turmoil. [b]Style:[/b] Her magic is in such a state of disarray that she cannot use it effectively in any style at the moment. In times of great need she may be able to exert control over it in massive bursts but not for a prolonged period of time. [b]Spells:[/b] Elizabeth’s magic is unstable, as a result she is unable to use ‘spells’ competently as anyone would understand them. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]I am as yet unsure of exactly what I would place in this section.[/i] Title: None has been given to them as they are new to the guild. Shared Magicks: As twins Dawn and Elizabeth share a special kind of magic. Though separate people they’re souls are joined at a mystical level. In times of great need each is capable of drawing on the other’s magical reserves for energy. This is unknown to the twins at present but once explored and expanded more they will gain the ability to feel pain and strong emotions from the other. This could even expand as a side effect to sharing injuries. At its highest level they may even be able to communicate telepathically. At present they are only able to sense the discomfort of the other subconsciously. History: Dawn and Elizabeth were twins born to a wood cutter in the rural areas of Fiore. They’re mother died when they were very young and neither remembers her well. As children both Dawn and Elizabeth were tenacious often going places that they did not belong and doing things that were ill advised. Elizabeth especially loved to push the boundaries of what was allowed. However all that changed one day. Their little family lived in a cottage on the outskirts of a large forest some leagues from the town where there father Richard did business. Prior to this neither of the twins were aware they had magical potential and they certainly did not know that their father had once been a well-known mage. They would soon discover it. While the family sat down to dinner one spring night when the twins were twelve years old there was a knock at the door. Expecting a passing traveller Richard opened the door freely. On the other side he found a creature. It was humanoid but grotesque. Its skin was white as paper and stretch so tightly over its bones that it appeared as a skeleton. Its eyes were hollow and black. Dawn found out years later that it was something called a magicform. A creature whose body was comprised and maintained of magical energy and in order to maintain itself it had to siphon that energy off of other living things. The strongest and long lasting source was of course magic users. It opened its toothless mouth and began to speak. Its voice was like a slimy thing slipping into murky water. [i]“You’re scent is sssssso sssswweat. You will sssustain me.”[/i] It lunged for the children but there father stepped in its way. He pushed the creature back but it righted itself, laughing. To the great surprise of the children Richard held his hand aloft and summoned a fireball. He threw the magic at the creature. The thing merely laughed and as the fire touched it the magic was sucked up into its body. Then it reached out and touched Richard’s skin. The twin’s father who they’d always known as a strong man let out a scream unlike anything they had ever heard or would ever hear and his body started to sizzle. The corpse that fell to the ground a second later was charred beyond recognition. Then it turned its attention on the twins. To this day neither is quite sure exactly what made them do it but in that moment both Dawn and Elizabeth turned and looked at each other. Some sort of understanding passed between them. They clasped hands they’re arms touched and they looked at the monster. Fire and ice intertwined shot up both their arms and shot out at the creature. At first it seemed content and pleased and the magic vanished into it just as it had with their father but soon it began to look uncomfortable and something like pain passed across its face. “Ssssstop, sssstop.” It help up its grisly hand and as the appendage absorbed more magic it’s arm seemed to grow brittle and it shattered like glass. Screaming the creature ran from the house before Dawn and Elizabeth’s magic could destroy it utterly. Moments later both Dawn and Elizabeth passed out. They awoke three days later. This was the twins first and last attempt at a Unison Raid and though it was successful it left some terrible marks. Elizabeth’s left arm was disfiguringly burned. Though she recovered full use of it the skin is rough from Dawn’s flames. Dawn’s right arm is similarly disfigured by ice burns leaving his skin with long striation like marks. Elizabeth suffered an even greater loss. A mixture of the massive amount of magical energy she expended combined with the trauma of seeing her father murdered caused her to undergo a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. She suffered a mental break, and lost the ability to speak. Though Dawn tried his best to be everything his father was Elizabeth was never the same after that. With a great deal of help from the villagers of the neighbouring town. Dawn got back on his feet. He and Elizabeth were taken in by a friend of their father’s in town. She was an older woman named Penelope who ran an apothecary in town. She would often send Dawn back to the forest for rare herbs or mushrooms to use in her remedies. During these years Dawn did his best to help Elizabeth. Richard had taught both of them to read and write and for a while they communicated that way. Thought Dawn tried to get Elizabeth speaking again it was not to be. After giving up on that avenue he started to do research at the local library. Though it was rather limited it had a decent section of different languages including some that were none verbal. Though it took them both almost four years to fully master both the twins learned a form of sign language that the history books labelled ‘The Fynam System”. It involved various motions and signs drawn over the skin. Though both the twins are fluent in its use Elizabeth often prefers to write her words on paper when they are not in a rush. She carries a small note book with her for this purpose. Six months prior to arriving at the Golden Dragoon Guild there was an incident in the village. Elizabeth’s magic was entirely undisciplined. Though Dawn had a bit more control over his, able to summon and shut it off at will Elizabeth did not. Whenever she was upset or angry ice began to form on many surfaces. It usually took her brother to placate her and so most of the time he never left her side. The incident occurred when Dawn was performing errands in the market. Penelope lost track of Elizabeth and as a result the girl ended up wandering the village. She found her way into Church where she met a very irritable reverent who was not used to her particular abnormalities nor aware of what would happen when she became stressed. Dawn come to the church some time later to deliver an arthritis remedy to the reverent. There he found his sister with fear on her face no doubt as something the reverent must have said. All around her ice had spread out from her feet and covered several support beams. Dawn managed to calm her down but the damage was done. Though the church was alright it took several days to repair the support structures that Elizabeth had damaged. It became abundantly clear to Dawn that while most of the villagers could forgive Elizabeth this was not the place he could best help her. So instead he decided that those with more magical experience would be better suited to treating Elizabeth. Two weeks later he packed up his bags and left for (Whatever city it is that the Golden Dragoon is in, I wasn't really clear on where it was). [b]Other:[/b] While they're father was a fire mage of some skill neither twin is aware that there mother was a Wind mage renowned for her power. She was other called Stormrider and is something of a legend. [/hider]