[hider=Kid Wish][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bfHcx1Q.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Damien Wishburn [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Kid Wish [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Damien is a fair-skinned, tall and broad-shouldered teenage boy. He has blue-eyes and dusty blond, thick hair. [b]Location:[/b] Forests of northern California [b]Settlement:[/b] On his own. [b]Profession:[/b] Full-time student, part-time hero [b]Skills:[/b] Able to hunt and kill animals with his fire bolts, can also cook on a restaurant cook's level [b]Powers:[/b] Damien is able to generate heat to the point where he can set himself on fire and use flames as a projectile weapon. He can also use it to make himself levitate, and coming down is not a problem either. His armor provides himself with means for protection and nothing more. No fancy missiles, forcefields, or lasers. He doesn't need those bells and whistles. [b]Weaknesses: [/b]Armor is highly weak to water and electricity. His powers are also considerably weakened when exposed to water. [b]Weapons: [/b]Damien doesn't use any weapons, and although he's no black belt, he's fairly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He mostly uses firebolts, drawn from his hands, to get the job done. [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b] Damien wears things a typical 17 year old skater boy would wear, when he's not suited up for hero work. When he is, he straps on an orange-colored set of kevlar-plated armor, with thermal padding on the inside and outside surfaces. His armor is designed to protect him, considering Damien is a normal teenage boy, barring the fact he can manipulate the element of heat to his will. The armor is not weaponized in any way. [b]Equipment and Supplies:[/b] 3 days of water. 3 days worth of lunch meat sandwiches and beef jerky. [b]Personality:[/b] In a good sense of the term, Damien is a closeted kid. He never got the chance to do what he wanted to truly do as a child, due to his father's controlling tendencies. Damien can be a bit rebellious at times, but he has been taught to hold those behaviors back and listen to his elders. He's also a little bit of a rich snob- when he doesn't get what he wants, he likes to throw small tantrums. With his fiery powers, those tantrums can be disastrous. [b]History:[/b]Damien is the only son of Walton and Lynda Wishburn. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was 3, so he never got to know her. Walton Fishburn, Damien's father, is the founder and president of Wishburn and Son Weaponry. WSW is a multi-billion dollar company, with a monopoly on the modern-day weapons and armor trade. In turn, this has made the duo of Damien and his father a very wealthy family. Trying new things, Walton was advised by a trusted scientist of his to implant a microchip into Damien's chest. This was part of the F.I.R.E. program, an agenda to give certain individuals superpowers. The program lost funding after Damien's case was done, so he was the only one christened under it. The military found a small use for his powers, so they let him be a vigilante and fight crime, but only in the Bay Area. This was the plan until Damien became 18, then he would expand to a state-wide level. Things were going good for Damien, until the apocalypse happened. When the dust settled, the Bay Area was left in pieces. Walton Fishburn tried to help pick up those pieces, but it was a no go. His thirst for power got to the better of him and he was driven to insanity. He lashed out at Damien and attempted to attack him. Damien, unfortunately, had to murder his father and lay the tyrant to rest. Damien, face flooded with tears, left the settlement to its own devices and escaped to the forests. [/center][/hider]