[hr][h1][i][color=Aqua]Jennifer Caspin[/color] & [color=Red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@ToadRopes][/sub][hr] Some other girl took Taylor's attention, while Ratchet caught Meifeng and Jennifer's. Now, Jennifer was still contemplating if what she did was, well, a good idea. She just downed enough alcohol to kill three teenage girls. Plus, she's a scrawny, one-hundred and twenty pound girl. Someone's [i]definitely[/i] going to get suspicious... then she realized that everyone here is probably here is so drunk that they're going to be vomitting for the next twenty mornings. So, she could act casually as she wants! Except, she doesn't recall Meifeng ever taking a drink... "That can NOT be in ANY way good for your liver," Ratchet came in, and Jennifer's eyes practically widened like in a cartoon. She wasn't drunk, and saw the whole thing. So she couldn't rely on the "they're drunk, they won't notice!" fallback. She quickly looked around, as she tried to come up with a good way to pass this off. Until it came to her. Her eyes became unfocused, and she was subtly falling to the side. "[i]... Wha'chu talkin' about, girl? My liver is... in... indestructible.[/i]" She feigned falling over onto Meifeng, who pushed her back up into an upright position with her arms. "[i]Think I'm some lightweight!? I bet... I bet I'm part-Russian![/i]" Meifeng was just loudly laughing. Putting her hands onto her belly, and throwing her head back. "You should have seen it! Jen here downed three cups of alcohol before you even got here! I didn't even drink anything, I gave mine to her!" [i]"Yeah... yeah... And I wan' some more, gimme![/i]" Jennifer crawled over Meifeng, and reached for a drink that wasn't even there. "Hey, hey, hold up!" Meifeng said, grabbing Jen and putting her back into an upright sitting position. "You don't want to end up on some embarrassing youtube video, now do you?" "[i]Ehh... shut up, I'll do what I want with my life.[/i]" Jennifer slurred, nearly falling over again. "[i]If I want to become a pornstar, then I'll do it![/i]" "[i]Tian na[/i]... I bet I'll be watching you for the rest of the party, huh?" Meifeng said with a smirk.