I'm not as busy as I thought this morning. I'll go ahead a reapply for the RP. [hider=Lucas]Name: Lucas [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Lucas is clever and quick witted. He tries to get along with everyone and really likes being on a team. More will be in the IC. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Lucas][img]https://morganthomp.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/no6img4.jpg[/img][/hider] -Height: 5’ 7” -Body type: Slender -Possible weight: 137 lbs -Eye color: Green -Hair color: White [b]Emblem location[/b]: On the right side of his neck [b]Magic level[/b]:C-Class - Can open two silver gates or a zodiac and a silver gate at the same time(this leaves him severly drained), but can by no means open two zodiac gates simultaneously at the moment. [b]Type[/b]: Holder [b]Specialization[/b]: Celestial [b]Style[/b]: Support, but can be melee. [b]Physical mutation[/b]: None [b]Spells[/b]: His keys and he can use telekinesis(simply for lifting things - he cannot lift anything that weighs more than two times his own body weight.) [b]Equipment[/b]: Zodiac Key - Gate of the Two Fish, Pisces Zodiac Key - Gate of the Archer, Sagittarius Silver Key - Gate of the Swan, Deneb Silver Key - Gate of the Dragon, Draco Silver Key - Gate of the Clock, Horologium [b]Title[/b]: None [b]History[/b]: Lucas was born into the Lotus guild with his brother Evan. Their parents had passed down a few items to them before going on a job that they thought they may not come back from, there was suspicion that a dark guild was behind the problem they were solving. Lucas got two celestial keys from them - the key of the Two Fish, Pisces and the Key of the Swan, Deneb. Master Hantz helped him make contracts with them and get started. Evan received a bunch of cards. Some that cast spells and some that blocked spells. Master Hantz also helped him understand how to use them. FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS Evan and Lucas, brothers, Evan was older - 17 and Lucas was younger - 16. They were on a job together to slay a monster, a vulcan. It turned out that the job had been posted in two guilds at the same time and the other wizard that came along was a celestial wizard, like Lucas. When the other wizard saw that Lucas carried the key of the two fish, she challenged him to a duel. The winner of the duel would get the other’s zodiac key seeing as she had one as well. They were not allowed to use Zodiac keys in the duel so they bother had Evan hold them while they fought. The other wizard went for a quick victory and summoned Caelum, The Chisel, quickly firing at Lucas before he could summon a spirit. Suddenly Lucas was a few feet away from were he was before and was inside of a grandfather clock, Horologium. He got out and quickly summoned Deneb, who was too quick for Caelum to hit, he dispatched the other spirit. The other wizard couldn’t summon another spirit and admitted defeat. Evan handed both keys to Lucas. What they hadn’t realized is that the Vulcan was still in the area and they had been fighting rather than dealing with it. When it arrived, it had two others with it. Evan did his best to defend the other two, who had used too much energy in their fight to be of much use. Eventually the Vulcans proved too much for Evan’s card magic, they had to flee. Back at the guild, a few days later, Evan disappeared. Lucas wasn’t sure if he had died or if he had been kidnapped. But he decided to make it his job to find him again. After 3 years of searching a new guild opened up, the Golden Dragoon Guild. Lucas expressed his desire to join them, in further search of his brother, to Master Hantz. He understood and let Lucas go. [/hider] [hider=Melvus] [b]Name[/b]: Melvus [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Melvus enjoys his time with his friends and never lets an opportunity by when he could help, well... almost never. He doesn't get along with everyone but usually puts some effort into it. He can be a jackass, but it is probably to help whoever he's being a jerk to - it could also be that he's annoyed by them. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Melvus][img]http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--hHdUd57k--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/rulqnmmdf4pyzewraqgm.jpg[/img][/hider] -Height: 5’ 10" -Body type: Slender -Possible weight: 153 lbs -Eye color: Black -Hair color: Black [b]Emblem location[/b]: On his right eyelid [b]Magic level[/b]: B-Class - Almost advanced [b]Type[/b]: Caster [b]Specialization[/b]: Dark Ecriture and Darkness. He doesn't use darkness as much as Dark Eriture and enchantments. Darkness could be considered a magic he learned on the side, but has skill in. [b]Style[/b]: Support and Offensive [b]Physical mutation[/b]: [b]Spells[/b]: -Dark Ecriture: Reflect - Reflects a spell at its caster. -Dark Ecriture: Wings - Gives Melvus, or whoever he writes the runes on, rune wings. -Dark Ecriture: Destruction - Written magic that causes massive damage and occationally an explosion(This spell can't be used too much in one fight - it could easily drain him.) -Darkness: Stream - Creates dark hands that attempt to capture and hold a target. -Darkness: Shadow - Creates a shadow-clone of Melvus. The clone can't cast spells, but can fly and use a variety of melee attacks. -Darkness: Scattered Explosions - Creates multiple, explosion on or around a target. They are weaker than many other attacks but are very difficult to evade. -He can enchant areas and apply different rules to the area. The more binding the enchantment, the more magic power it takes. -Thought Projection (Not Specializd) - Creates a hologram of oneself over very long distances, essentially being in two places at once. Melvus isn't very good at projecting an image of himself with this spell. At the moment he can only project his voice. Note: Melvus' Darkness and Dark Ecriture magic comes in light blue. [b]Equipment[/b]: He often wears a black, hooded cloak. And he carries a magical quill for his written magic. [b]Title[/b]: Weaver or Rune Weaver [b]History[/b]: He had been a member of the Lotus guild for seventeen years and had been a good friend of Lucas and Evan, he decided to help Lucas and followed him to the Golden Dragoon Guild. More in the IC. [/hider]