Orin seemed to get more and more depressed and Faye's words stung him to the core, causing him to go lower and lower before he was on the floor. [color=6ecff6][b][color=7ea7d8]"My dreams..."[/color] [/b][/color]Of course like normal Orin was back on his feet in no time, adjusting his glasses and listening to the part suggestions. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Well I am happy no one besides me will get to kiss you."[/b][/color] That was a death sentence later [color=7ea7d8][b]"So I can agree to these two taking those parts. The girls may go wild but they would be heart broken if It was me, so it is for the best" [/b][/color]Though he said the second thing just as stupid as before he didn't seem to have much heart in it as his eyes looked out the window. Thankfully it seemed Faye had noticed the desterbince as well and so sent out their loyal little Mar-chan. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Lately it has become so noisy around here hasn't it? Ahh the peaceful days seem to be coming to a end..." [/b][/color]His exspression was like that of a old man missing days past, though that was soon broken by a small pose that he did, stretching out his arms to the others[color=7ea7d8][b] "If that is decided then [b]I[/b] shall be Lord Capulet. Seems fitting, after all she is a race losely related to me and we have such-"[/b][/color] He flicks his longish hair with a smile [color=7ea7d8][b]"-Such lovely hair. I think it is a good fit." [/b][/color] [color=7ea7d8][b]"As for the whole Romeo thing, how about we go with Ethan? We could make it a true parody and swap the roles of them, have the guy as a sort of 'princess. He is certenly cute enough for the role, that way Jason could be Lord Montague... Girls will go wild seeing the two of us go at it"[/b][/color] That last part sounded so wrong despite him not meaning it like so...