[b][u]A collboration between Near and Ryu[/u][/b] [color=DarkOrange]"What's taking them so long!"[/color] Salina complained to Shay. Shay gave her an evil stare, [color=red]"You're the one who wanted to go!"[/color] She retorted. It had only been a minute or two since they had rushed off from Sycamore to stand by the doors to the sanctuary. [color=DarkOrange]"Who cares, if they dont show soon, I'm leaving!"[/color] Salina complained, crossing her arms and turning the other way. Shay was astounded by the sudden change of heart. Salina turned back to face Shay, [color=DarkOrange]"You know, why did I even want this? All its going to be is being corrected by some know-it-all professor."[/color] [color=red]"Don't look at it like that. This could be a learning experience for us,"[/color] Shay replied, trying to brighten Salina's mood. [color=darkorange]"You and I both know that this Acacia didn't want us to come. What if she tries to get rid of us? What will we do when we're lost somewhere in the Johto Region?"[/color] [color=red]"You don't know that! She might have been wondering what the professor might say."[/color] Shay turned away from Salina, upset by her pessimisim. [color=darkorange]"You know, you're just like--"[/color] Salina started. [color=red]"SHUT UP! Dont bring her into this."[/color] Shay knew exactly what Salina was about to say, and she didn't like it. Everybody always compared Shay to her mother and it made her angry at the thought of it. As she turned back toward Salina, she saw Acacia who seemed to be muttering to herself. [color=red]"Acacia! Its about time you got here."[/color] Shay walked up to her and continued, [color=red]"Nice choker, where did ya get it?"[/color] Shay was refering to the choker that she now wore around her neck.