Deep in the forest, deeper than the human female was, a male was walking back the way he had come, in the forest running a hand through his rugged black hair, his eyes a peculiar yellow shade if looked upon close enough, but those that didn't, thought they were a pale brown. He had to go into town to buy some medicine. The alpha of the pack the male was a part in was worried about his pup that was sick and they couldn't trust the humans well enough since the pup did have features of lupine and human. That wouldn't be good to show would it? And he was the last hope since all other wolves had at one time or another been spotted at the town and had barely got away with their lives but that had been sixteen years since some rouge's had attacked a human family only leaving the daughter alive. He distantly wondered if she had been bitten. Cause if so, she would have to be taught to control both the anger and the beast residing inside her. The Silver family if he remembered correctly. His head turned to the left as he spotted the human female as he had caught the scent of a human close by. His eyes thinned and he growls softly. If he was seen it would be strange as he was barely wearing much. He produced enough heat for this cold not to be a bother, wearing a pair of jeans and a loose shirt and boots. That was it. Although that was true he detested his human shell. Natalie sighs as her bags were on her back, staring up at the university that she was majoring in music at biting her lip softly. Its been sixteen years since she had been at this town. After that rouge wolf attack that didn't get much notice for they had never been seen after that, she moved to her grandparents house staying there as the bite wound on her leg healed. A few months later and she found that when angered she turns into a blood thirsty beast and so isolated herself and became antisocial, finding solace behind the pages of a book and music. She swears without those two she would have tried to find a way to kill herself. Her soft blue eyes with yellow circling the pupil studied the entire building as her snow white hair blew in the wind, some of it in a pony tail. That had also been an after affect of the attack on her life. Her hair went from sandy brown to a pure white. After putting her things into her dorm in which she stayed by herself, Natalie wondered to the principal's office to get her schedule as she had just transfered a week or so ago and had yet to get it, Skillet's [I]Monster[/I] playing in her ear. She found it ironic that heavy rock music about monsters or animal possession seemed to keep her own calm and silent. She tried to tone down her extra sensitive senses but she couldn't help but smell everything in that hall. From who had done the dirty tango, to emotions, to who hadn't showered in a few days, food, sickness, and then the paint which was causing her to get a headache. She wasn't watching where she was going being so overwhelmed by the smells. Her grandparents had sent her here in a last attempt to get their grandchild out of her shell and to get over her past.