With a groan, Saraline stood as the dust and magic dissolved around her; it settling to the ground. She rubbed her head gently, searching for potential lumps or scrapes she might have obtained through the journey. Why in the nine realms couldn't they have figured out a less bumpy landing? She silently cursed her grandfather for causing all this trouble. Over a grudge with Hermes! She figured "don't shoot the messenger" would be a great thing to teach him. Granted, watching the Greek prance around squawking as a chicken was hilarious. But it had caused the fall of her entire way of life. Muttering obscenities that would make even a hardened Asgardian blush. Turning her head, and surveying her surroundings, she guessed that she was in a forest of sorts, not very big and with a road running through it, obviously close to civilization of some sort. Either way, if she followed the road she'd find someone who could help her. She sighed inwardly as she turned again, spotting an unconscious male slumped against a tree. Had her arrival caused this? With another string of cursing, she ran over to the male and pulled him so he was laying on the floor and his head in her lap; her hands searching for any obvious injury. From his weapons that he carried, she assumed he was a hunter, out on the prowl for something to eat. She lifted her gaze from his chest to his face, drinking in the features that she came across. Her fingertips touched to his lips, curiosity getting the better of her as she felt the soft bow of his lower lip. She had never been up close to anyone of the male gender that she wasn't related to, and this was all new to her. Shaking her head, she stood up and walked over to the pool she had landed in and cupped her hands, picking up a handful of water. She walked back to the man and dumped the water over his face unceremoniously. Saraline sat down beside him, hoping the water would help awaken him. She had no idea how to bury a body if he was dead. Damn her grandfather to Hel. She had a hammer to find, and soon. Otherwise it was lights out for herself, Asgard and the nine realms.