[list] [*]Name: Sister Phoebe Miriam [*]Age: 22 [*]Gender: Female [*]Appearance: [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Nun-Light-Mage-540460866]Whee.[/url] [*]Personality: Phoebe is what most would describe as the ideal for a holy woman. Innocent, devout, and focused on her duties. However, this innocence comes with a somewhat naive nature. While she is not foolish, she does not know of all the workings of the world. She is not blindly trusting, and yet she does not always realize what is going on around her. Her knowledge of modern technology is more befitting of a traditional magus then anyone else. She enjoys peace and quiet and good books. [*]Skills: Unlike other notable members of the Church, Phoebe was never an Executor; her combat skills are negligible at best, and whilst she technically has the potential to use Black Keys the fact that she knows nothing of swordplay means that attempting to use them would most likely end with her hurting herself. She's more suited towards more bookish fields, and is well versed in the sacraments of the church and various supernatural phenomena related to her religion. Her cooking skills are terrible enough to technically count as a "power"; never accept anything cooked by her, as it most likely counts as a biohazard. [*]Abilities: Sister Phoebe has been taught the magic of the church, the holy sacraments that they consider to be non-heretical for one of their own to use. Her magic is mostly centered around support, and thus it has practically no directly offensive applications; it is mostly centered around healing and her elemental affinity for light. To help keep her alive as she investigates this supposed Grail, she has been gifted a protective Mystic Code, Deo Juvante: [i]Vestments of the Saint[/i]. These vestments provide her additional protection from mundane weaponry (such as knives and small arms fire) and offensive magecraft, although naturally it is just as durable as regular clothing when faced with a Noble Phantasm (ie. not at all). [*]Brief Backstory: Orphaned at a young age, Phoebe was raised by the Catholic church and, naturally, grew up to become a nun. She was very devout and pledged to do anything for the Church, but rarely left her convent and was sheltered throughout her childhood. When the Church learned of a new Grail War, they naturally wanted to see if the replica was a true achievement in reproducing a holy relic. In addition to deploying the usual overseer, now someone far better equipped for overseeing the grail war, they also chose to enter their own competitor. With surprisingly high-quality magic circuits for an orphaned child, Phoebe was trained in magecraft in order to pose as a more powerful challenger for the Grail, in spite of the Church's views on the practices. Now, Phoebe has been flown to the United States to enter the Grail War for the sake of her Church, which she would do anything for. [/list]