The character sheet for your Guild Mentor that I'll be playing for the first part of the game. Full Name: Cindy Swan Alias: Ellie Age: 27 now, entered at 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Homeland: Boston, Massachusetts Appearance: [hider=Cindy in the middle][img][/img] Cover Art for Stepsisters' Scheme of the Princess Series[/hider] Languages: English and Beast-tongue Height/Weight: 5'9" and 124 lbs Outfit/Armor: In the Appearance pic. Hunting Gear: Her father's sword, given to her by Merlin: Longsword with an elegant feather design on the hilt (partially scene in the appearance pic) Likes/Dislikes: Likes animals, swordplay, and justice. Hates the dark, especially around midnight, pumpkins, and magic users. Occupation: Cindy was a housekeeper and cleaned up after a few families. She misses the kids she used to take care of. Skill Set: Cindy has a friendly face that people tend to trust, over the years she's come to handle her father's sword like an extension of her own arm, she has a good sense of direction and is an excellent leader, a feature Merlin recognized when he made her the official recruit trainer. Magic Abilities: None, she actually doesn't trust magic and stays away from it when possible. Pets/Companions: Cindy's knack for communicating with animals allowed her to befriend the rat that pestered the guild for years. He now travels with her everywhere and is a helpful recon/spy. Personality: Cindy is loyal and values honesty and justice above all else. She is much like Snow in this manner, but their methods contradict each other. Cindy is much calmer when it comes to liars and injustice. She has a tactical mind that proves invaluable on a hunt. Her dedication to the guild and it's members made her the perfect choice for an official trainer. Background: Cindy has been a loyal member of Kingdom Guild for over a decade. She dabbled in witchcraft in her home in Boston, but a spell to find her one true love backfired. The spell imploded and destroyed the house, killing her parents in the process. Cindy was barely alive when the police found her. After that, she swore off magic, throwing away the old book. She started cleaning houses and nannying children to provide for herself. After a few years, there was a knock on the door near midnight. A pale-skinned woman with ruby red lips and pitch black hair offered a job. Every ounce of Cindy's being had a bad feeling as the woman insisted she accompany her immediately to the brothel. However, business was slow and Cindy couldn't afford to be stingy. It was then that she was introduced to the Guild. She spent the next year cleaning the filthy brothel. Unable to leave and only catching glimpses of the illusive Guild that remained behind closed doors, she felt like a prisoner. When she turned 18, Snow took her to the Guild Hall and her new family. She also handed over her father's sword, claiming that he was once a member of the Guild. Cindy worked hard and learned fast. In a few short years, she became one of the top members of the guild. "A real natural" they'd say. She holds the Guild and her family to heart and smites anything that threatens them. Unique Abilities: Overall, Cindy is just a regular maid that learned the skill of a sword. However, she does poses the uncanny trait of Beast-tongue, or the language of animals. It sounds like English to the rest of us, but animals accurately understand her and communicate with her. This allows her to gather information that others can not obtain as well as get assistance from unlikely places.