Sel took one more gulp of her beverage as she listened to what Rayland said, a sigh escaping her lips as he finished. He was of course right, he couldn't just take a nice long break like most could, he was a captain and had the whole ship under his command, not to mention a role to play planet side. [color=fdc68a][b]"I understand... However my advice still stands. Just relax whenever you can; take naps, drink your favorite drink and talk to someone about happy things."[/b][/color] Though it sounded like the basics of living people like Rayland often forgot to look after themselves when it counted. Standing up from her chair as well Sel thought for a moment [color=fdc68a][b]"Well if you ever do feel like talking again just come and see me, I will be sure to restock on more than just water and nutrient slush." [/b][/color]With a small chuckle she would ake sure to excort him to the door [color=fdc68a][b]"That being said, when I do go planet side would you mind having Kaite and Kassy come with me? I would feel safer"[/b][/color] That was a lie, though being a doctor she was the best at telling such, after all this was the perfect way to keep tabs on the crew, more so Kaite who was likely still having those episodes.