[b][u]A collab post between Charak, Destiny and Night[/u][/b] [color=007236]Albert[/color] [color=00aeef]Ryi[/color] [color=00a99d]Sam[/color] Spheal had become Albert's and that was something to admire, he was now in the possession of two pokemon. So the first thing he did was celebrate because to be completely honest, he couldn't really contain it anymore. [color=007236]"Alrighty, I have a new teammate!"[/color] He shouted scaring Deino with the sudden loud noise his outburst had created. [color=00aeef]“Really what should I call you…Nutmeg? Nah doesn’t fit you…”[/color] Ryi sighed as he watched the Chespin run around chasing Beautifly trying to protect its treats. He giggled in how adorable it all looked but somehow he really was stuck with the name. There was nothing that could fit the little grass pokemon at all. Beautifly flew back on his head a bit scared at the protective Chespin, once she flew right back Chespin went towards the pokepuff on the ground and started to eat nearly all at the pokepuffs in a very fast pace. [color=00aeef]“You hungry thing…hope I can find a place to bake some more…”[/color] “Ches!!” Chespin continued to eat every pokepuff he just made… defiantly have to make some more later. Deino's nose caught scent of the pokepuff's and It vacantly looked in the direction of the smell, this caught Alberts attention and he followed Deino line of sight noticing the feminine male. Now Albert was intrigued by this food that the boys pokemon seemed to love, he would have to ask about it however something else caught his eye. a frog Pokemon perched on the head of a young male It looked strangely like a, like a, Froakie. Albert quickly finished up taking the free stuff and ran over to the door. [color=007236]"Hey you, I see you have yourself a Froakie."[/color] Albert said to the boy near the exit, unbeknownst to him Deino was busy trying to sneak up behind the boy handing out treats... Sam turned around to the voice from behind him. He was greeted by a friendly face. [color=00a99d]"Hey there. Yeah, I just found it in the sanctuary. Or actually, it found me. Isn't that right, Froakie?"[/color] "Froakie!" It said happily. [color=00a99d]"He isn't my first companion, though. That would be my Honedge."[/color] He said pointing at the sheathed pokemon on his back. [color=00a99d]"Say hi, Honedge."[/color] A faint snoring sound could be heard from behind Sam. Sam grabbed Honedge by it's grip and pulled the red blade out of the sheath. Honedge awoke and looked around. [color=00a99d]"It's not polite to sleep while someone is introducing themselves to you, Honedge."[/color] Sam said half jokingly. Honedge then flew out of his hand, looking at the boy. "Honedge..." He said while scratching itself on it's 'head' with it's cloth. [color=00a99d]"I'm Sam by the way. And you?"[/color] [color=007236]"Thats a floating sword, floating sword, let me guess its a ghost type right?"[/color]Albert asked his eye's drawn to the floating blade. [color=007236]"Besides before that ghost distracts me, my name is Albert"[/color] Albert said in response to the boy [color=007236]"so you got a Froakie from the sanctuary. I got myself a Spheal, here let me show you, Spheal let's go!"[/color] Albert yelled as he through his Pokeball into the air, it burst upon with a brilliant white light. revealing the round Seal pokemon in all her glory. "Sph-Spheal" It said nervously, Deino meanwhile made a mad dash for the boy with the treats in a attempt to eat them. Ryi looked at the Chespin for a bit until picking it up and looking tat it with a smile. [color=00aeef]“You are a rascal aren’t you…hhmmm since you love pokepuffs why not I call you…Puff?”[/color] Weird choice for a name…better fitted for a Jigglypuff or a Wigglytuff that for sure but it made sense. Chespin love pokepuff so call it Puff and it’s a pretty cute name as well. He pulled Chespin closer for a hug and patted it head. [color=00aeef]“You are so cute! I wonder what moves you know....”[/color] Ryi smiled as he carefully petted Puff making sure he would not touch the spiky bits on it head. Suddenly Beautifly flew of his head and made a panic sound warning him of something. “Beau!!!” Then Chespin as well made a panic call. “Ches! Ches!!” there was something coming from the back…Ryi quickly turned to see a dino looking pokemon dashing towards him. Immediately he screamed in a high pitch tone out of fear. [color=00aeef]“AAAaaaaahhh!!!!”[/color] The sudden high pitched scream caused Albert to turn. Sam turned around as well and saw the dragon pokemon headed for the guy as well. Quickly he grabbed Honedge out of the air and rushed within just a second between the pokemon and the guy. [color=00a99d]"Honedge, do Metal Sound!"[/color] Honedge quickly used it's attack, making a really annoying noise. Deino stopped dead in its tracks at the sound of the noise, which caused it to make sound of whimpering. [color=007236]"Deino be more careful next time, you could of hurt that kid."[/color] Albert said before turning to Sam [color=007236]"Thanks for that, Deino gets a little carried away, I mean don't we all?"[/color] Albert said with a grin. Sam let go of Honedge, then responded.[color=00a99d] "Indeed we do. Only the wisest of us can focus on their goal without any problems along the way, yet they mostly choose not to with a reason."[/color] Sam then turned to the target of the dragon type. [color=00a99d]"Are you okay?"[/color] With a sigh of relief a trainer saved him. With a sword pokemon he had never seen in his life somehow stopped the dino pokemon from probably breaking his back. He cant believe that just happened, he was just hanging out with his pokemon then bam! A dino pokemon was after him for no reason! He put down Puff and immediately Puff ran towards the dino pokemon and seemed like to be insulting it? Or something on the lines of that but it was clear Puff was mad as ever and who wouldn’t be after nearly getting hit by a pokemon like that. [color=00aeef]“Thank god…”[/color] He turned to the trainer who asked if he was okay, he rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. [color=00aeef]“Sure…I guess that was sudden but hey at least I am not hurt but that pokemon sure is rushing for something thats for sure!”[/color] Ryi sighed out again, he just cant believe that happened, Remma landed on top of his head and as well sighed like him. “Beau….” The Chespin was annoyed. who wouldn't be after that had almost got hit by a nearly 40 stone pokemon. [color=007236]"Calm down Chespin, Deino didn't mean to cause any problems with you, he can't see thats all, so please cut him some slack."[/color] Albert said in a rush to apolgize for his pokemons action's. [color=007236]"Besides what where you feeding your pokemon?"[/color] Albert asked questionly to the trainer before him. [color=007236]"Oh and before I forget the names Albert, the guy who made Deino avoid hitting you, introduced himself as Sam"[/color] Albert finished before waiting for a response. Sam sheathed Honedge. [color=00a99d]"That's right. And my friend here is Honedge."[/color] Then Froakie slapped Sam on the back of his head. [color=00a99d]"Oh, right, this little fella is Froakie. What is your name?"[/color] Ryi went up to puff and picked it up, he hugged and petted him to hopefully calm it down. [color=00aeef]“I will make you more pokepuffs alright? You are a little rascal you….”[/color] He smiled sweetly at the Chepsin in his arms; it was really adorable and sweet to have such a rascal like pokemon with him. He turned to the guy and picked up a pokepuff on the ground. [color=00aeef]“Oh these! Pokepuffs I made them. They are pretty good snacks as well…maybe that’s why your…Deino? Right? Was after them…I can make some pokepuffs for it if you like?”[/color] He offered with a sweet and kind smile, he did love baking pokepuffs so a win win solution. [color=00aeef]“My name is Ryiler call me Ryi though this is Remma.”[/color] He pointed up to his Beautifly resting on top of his head and then pointed at Puff. [color=00aeef]“And this is Puff nice to meet you all! Well after that near crash thing but ya nice to meet you!”[/color] he smiled sweetly at the two boys. Sam looked at the two guys. [color=00a99d]"You two seem like good company. How about we add eachother on our HoloNav?"[/color] [color=00aeef]“Holo Navs? I am sorry I don’t know that…is it this thing?”[/color] He pulled out the HoloCaster he got and showed it to Sam, technology wasn’t his thing and he wasn’t updated with the new fancy stuff. Sam got a bit red. [color=00a99d]"Yeah, I guess your right. Forgot for a second they were called Holo-Casters."[/color] [color=007236]"Yea that seems like a good idea"[/color] Albert said pulling out his own Holo-Caster, and yet he seemed to have a better idea. [color=007236]"Why don't we just travel around together?"[/color] Albert asked Ryi and Sam almost casually. Travel…together? That’s new though it would make things easier of course, traveling companion s, not being alone in the dark with some spooky pokemon about…that really sounds like a good idea but though he just meet the two guys even though they look friendly and helped him it just stranger danger basically. [color=00aeef]“That sounds okay I guess…I mean…well…we just met each other and just like that?”[/color] It was also showed that Beautifly was a bit uncomfortable with this idea as well as she drooped down her wings. “Beau….” Sam smiled. [color=00a99d]"The best bonds can only be forged in battle."[/color] He said. [color=00a99d]"Or to put it the easy way: we can only get to know eachother if we become traveling partners. I'm in."[/color] Battle…that actually sounds like a good idea, to see how they work and plan, it would even help him practice with some performance ideas he had. [color=00aeef]“Sure! Lets battle! Me, Puff and Remma are ready!”[/color] Puff agreed and as well as Beautifly as she flew around the two guys ready for a battle. [color=007236]"that is something I agree with,but ill just want to watch the first fight, oh and Sam after you fight Ryi, I want to fight you!"[/color] Albert said, mainly because Honedge intrigued him considerably, and the fact Deino wanted to hit the thing that caused its ears to start ringing. [color=00a99d]"It's settled then."[/color] Sam responded. He walked outside and the street was empty, so they had plenty of space for the battle. [color=00a99d]"How you wanna do this, Ryi? Normal or a double battle? I'm fine with either."[/color] [color=00aeef]"HHmmm Lets do a double battle!”[/color] He smiled, he was excited for the battle now though he never battle before so this would be interesting to see. [color=00a99d]"A double battle it is. Froakie. Honedge. Take your positions."[/color] Sam said. Froakie jumped of Sam's head and Honedge floated in its sheath from Sam's back and positioned itself next to Froakie. [color=00a99d]"You may have the first move."[/color] Outside at an empty street…this was it, this was his first battle ever, Beautifly flew down and Chespin jumped down from his arms, it strike a confident pose like it knew they were going to win. “Al-alright! Remma fly up, Puff get ready!” It was clear that he wasn’t really ready since this was his first battle but he got to make it work. [color=00aeef]“Remma use Gust Puff head behind and use….uuhh…what moves do you know…”[/color] He didn’t know what moves Puff used but Puff used bullet seed on Froakie. Sam got a sly smile on his face. Without saying a word, he knew that Honedge knew what to do. Froakie paniced and as the gust headed towards Honedge and the Bullet seed towards Froakie, Froakie crossed his arms trying to block the attack. However, Honedge quickly avoided the gust and unsheathed itself, using it's sheath as a shield for protecting Froakie. Froakie opened it's eyes, seeing the sword pokemon floating in front of him. [color=00a99d]"Good job, Honedge. Now, do fury cutter on Chespin and Froakie do quick attack on Beautifly!"[/color] Ryiler watched carefully at his opponent, he really knew what he was doing and for him..he was just a newbie at this but he cant give up [color=00aeef]“Puff! Dodge quick! Remma use string shot fast!”[/color] He shouted at them in panic but he was holding his ground. Puff tried to avoid the fury cutter but it seemed like it got hit. “Ches!!” Chespin land hard on the ground but stood up quick not ready to give up on this fight jsut yet. [color=00aeef]“Good job! We can do this…use tackle on Froakie quick! Remma after string shot use absorb on Honedge quick!”[/color] After Fury Cutter landed it's hit, Honedge quickly flew back to Froakie, and cut the string shot in half with it's red blade. This gave way for Froakie to land it's hit on the Beautifly, but also exposed Honedge for the next attack of Beautifly. "Hone..." He said when he got hit by the grass attack move. However, it wasn't very effective, and he quickly regained his balance. He then got between Froakie and Chespin. [color=00a99d]"Keep it up you two! Honedge, do your Fury Cutter again on Chespin and make sure he doesn't reach Froakie. Froakie, use bubble on Beautifly."[/color] As Beautifly got hit by the quick attack he started to really panic, he wasn’t sure what to do next but he got to make sure everyone was still standing. [color=00aeef]“Remma dodge the bubble quick!”[/color] He made sure that Remma did indeed dodge that attack but Chespin was having trouble with the quick Honedge, this was getting tricky…he knew that it be easy to take out Froakie with Puff but with Honedge blocking Puff form attack it was hard…he needed to take down that Honedge but he wasn’t sure how..then and idea pop up. [color=00aeef]“Remma use your gust and spin around the two! Use it to make enough speed! Hurry!!”[/color] Remma did what she was told to, she circled around the two using gust to boost her speed causing her to go really fast and make is really hard to catch her. ‘”Beeau!!” [color=00aeef]“Puff Quick run in circles around them and use bullet seed!”[/color] Sam looked straight at Froakie, and when Froakie looked his way, he looked at Honedge. Honedge nodded, and also looked at Froakie. Froakie got the message, and grabbed Honedge's grip, and when the bullet seed was about to hit them, he jumped into the air out of the pokemon tornado. With Froakie's strong legs he landed a few meter away from the tornado, while the bullet seed was still being shot in the middle of the tornado, heading for the edges of it, where Beautifly and Chespin were still running. Then a small smile appeared on his face, he quickly shouted. [color=00aeef]" Puff!! Reverse running and tackle behind hurry!"[/color] Froakie went out of tornado Remma made and hopefully reversing Puff direction would make a sudden attack, and it look like it work as Puff gave it all in that surprise tackle. Beautifly continued fly around until Ryi watched Honedge for a bit and shouted again. [color=00aeef]"Remma drop!! Puff get ready!"[/color] She suddenly dropped and then used string shot wrapping Honedge in string then Chespin after the tackle with a stuck Honedge used bullet seed on it. [color=00aeef]"Alright!, We can do this!! Lets go Puff and Remma!!"[/color] Ryi cheered out, jumping up and down as he was getting the basis of it. Sam smile grew now. [color=00a99d][i]Exactly as planned...[/i][/color] Froakie got hit by the Tackle, and let go of Honedge while tumbling back, and Honedge got wrapped up by the String Shot while getting hit by Bullet Seed. However, the Bullet seed did barely any damage to the Honedge as he was partly steel type. And while both pokemon were focussing on Honedge, Froakie recovered quickly. [color=00a99d]"That's it Froakie! Finish it with Quick Attack and Bubble!"[/color] Froakie launched into Chespin with it's Quick attack, stopping the continues attack against Honedge, then used Bubble against Beautifly, freeing Honedge. He was down on his luck, Chespin got hit hard on that quick attack and Beautifly was giving it all but not doing much...he had no idea what to do but Puff was still hanging on, it was still standing but it was hurt and tired...He cant lose now but he cant think of a way to win like this...That Honedge is really tough to beat and there was nothing that can do critical damage to it. He was a performer...not a battler!! [color=00aeef]"Puff...Remma..."[/color] Then Puff charge at Honedge and let out a cry. "CHHesssppinn!!" It used vinewhip...it knew vine whip?! He didnt know taht and it didn't do much damage on it but it made him believe he can do it...just push a bit more and then go for it. [color=00aeef]"Remma come on use abdorb on Froakie and Puff..,hang on and use vine whip on Honedge...pushh it back!!"[/color] Sam smiled one more time. Not because he had a plan but because he was impressed by the courage of the little pokemon. However, it was pointless. [color=00a99d]"Finish them off with Fury Cutter and Quick Attack!"[/color] And as commanded, Honedge cut right through the Vine Whipe and hit Chespin, while Beautifly got hit by Froakie's Quick Attack. This was the last push both pokemon needed to faint. With that fury cutter and quick attack the two pokemon were still hanging on but not much longer Beautifly fainted, she flew down and Ryi had to run fast to catch her from falling on the ground. [color=00aeef]"Remma!!"[/color] He caught her, Remma made a sad sound that they lost but he petted her telling he right was alright and they did their best. [color=00aeef]"You did well, you did your very best..."[/color] It was clear he was upset he lost but he understood now, battling wasn't for him...watching Remma fly and Puff run around made him plan for tricks and performance not battle strategies... Puff collasped as well, he ran up to pick him up and smiled. [color=00aeef]" You did awesome! dont be sad...I promise to make you alot of pokepuffs for your guys work!"[/color] They both look at him and cheered on. "Beau!" "Ches!" He looked up at Sam and bowed. [color=00aeef]"That was a great fight thank you..."[/color] He stood up carrying the two tired pokemon and went down on the side to treat them...good thing had some potions to help. Sam bowed back. [color=00a99d]"It was great indeed, but it couldn't be great without you. You had some great tactics back there. If being a gym challenger doesn't work out, you could maybe become a Pokemon Coordinator."[/color] Froakie then jumped onto Sam's face again and hugged it. [color=00a99d]"Please, Froakie! I know you are happy, but could you at least let me breath?"[/color] As his Froakie got back on the back of his head, he stretched out his hand and Honedge flew back into his hand. He sheathed him, and then turned to Albert. [color=00a99d]"My pokemon need to rest now, but we will have our battle soon, okay?"[/color] [color=007236]"Fine"[/color] Albert said a bit annoyed but hey it made sense in the context, the battle that had just transpired would take alot out of both party's and Albert could wait, even though he didn't want to, he could wait. [color=007236]"so I guess this is it, are we finally a team now?"[/color] Albert asked. [color=00a99d]"Looks like it."[/color] Sam said. [color=00a99d]"However, before we go on a journey, we need to know where we are heading. I suggest we start by heading towards Santalune City, as one of the gyms is there."[/color] He said while pulling out his Town Map. [color=007236]"yea that seems like a good idea, after all, I want to collect all the badges and make my mother proud, and learn something new!"[/color] Albert said with a wide grin. After patching up the two with some potion Remma flew back on his head and Chespin in his arms he walked towards the two who didnt have their fight. He was caring for the two hurt and tired pokemon. [color=00aeef]"I guss so? I wont be for the badges though..."[/color] It was true, he wasnt going to earn badges he instead planned to practice to perform with his team. [color=00aeef]"If there is a contest there I would be happy to join that! I want to try out performing and I got an outfit to try as well!"[/color] t was ture he just bought a dress he would like to wear in a contest to try things out. [color=00aeef]"Well then travel buddies lets go!"[/color] Remma flew aorund them and Puff cheered on. [color=00aeef]"Wait! here celebratory Pokepuffs!"[/color] He still had some pokepuffs and hand is out to the guys and their pokemon, he gave a choco puff to Puff and a pink oran berry one to Remma [color=00aeef]"Enjoy!"[/color] [color=00a99d]"Thanks."[/color] Sam said. He took the Pokepuffs, gave one to Froakie who was still hanging onto his head, then turned to his honedge who was looking sadly at the Pokepuffs. [color=00a99d]"I'm sorry, buddy, but as you don't have a mouth, you can't eat them..."[/color] He then put the rest of the Pokepuffs into his bag. [color=00a99d]"I say we head towards route 4 then."[/color] [color=007236]"Yea, thats the best idea, plus we could catch some more pokemon"[/color] Albert agreed smiling at his Deino, after all an adventure was just about to start... [hider=TL:DR] The formation of team mythical plus a battle between Ryi and Sam, plus whatever the hell Albert does, [/hider]