First, I'd like to start with a massive tangent. The song I originally used to write to is a song by Orbital called "Halcyon (on and on)" which just kind of came to mind upon seeing your name. Second, thank you for the compliments. Surviving is my like, RP baby, and one day, it's going to take off. I actually have ran it once here before the site went down a few years ago, and it was in its...I think third season. Then we revisited it again, but life kind of kicked me around and dragged me through the metaphorical coals so between that, and a lack of consistent players, it died. ANYWAY. I would love to find one more 1x1. Would you be interested in the detective/police pairing? Well, you mentioned it, so to some degree, I guess you are. I'm very aloof and happy this morning, so I apologize for my...silly-ish attitude. So for the pol/det RP, would you be thinking reality based, or some form of fantasy to it? I'm extremely open either way. I actually have a very rough idea for the one involving fantasy, while the reality based one would be more simple: pick a city (fictional or real) and create chars and jump in. Let me know. I have to run around for a few hours, I may be around later, but I will be around. Az