---Unfinshed--- Name: Age: Gender: Personality: (your allowed to work it out in IC, just say so here, but if possible give some small remarks) [hider=Appearance] [img] http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/060/f/c/legend_of_zelda_majora_s_mask_side_character_by_narusasuangel-d5wnq2p.jpg [/img] [/hider] Height: 5'11" Body type: Slender, but muscular Emblem location: On his neck, right side. Magic level: Medium Type: Doesn't fit into either category. Specialization: Rune Magic (Which includes Script and Dark Ecmanture Although he cannot use it yet.) Style: Adaptable Physical mutation: Not really a mutation, but he has an [url]Eon[/url] rune Tattooed on his shoulder Magic: He can write runes in the air or on an object. They are logographic, meaning they represent words and meanings, as opposed to an alphabet which represents sounds. Instead of being an invented system like most scripts, his runes already existed and were discovered through trial and error. His runes function by what ever he 'writes' becomes real (example he writes [url=http://i40.tinypic.com/n9atv.png]fire[/url] and a fire appears], but the intent behind the 'writing' can vastly change the outcome( same rune for fire, but a fireball is cast at his target. His runes can also be inscribed on an object, and that object will take the qualities of whatever the rune represents (example: He picks up a stick and writes iron and it becomes a sword). He can also add 'modifiers' to his runes that can change what they can do (example: fire with ela can produce a beam). Equipment: (add holder type items and all other useful items and equipments, this will also list requipt and such) Title: (Optional for those that are known one way or an other, such as Natsu being known as Salamander and Erza as Titania) History: (can be worked out IC, though mention that here, if possible add some background anyway)