[hider=Marceline Eberhart] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Yn1lO7m.jpg[/img][/center] [color=rosybrown][b]Name:[/b][/color] Marceline "Marc" Eberhart [color=rosybrown][b]Field Name:[/b][/color] Chrome [color=rosybrown][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=rosybrown][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=rosybrown][b]Race:[/b][/color] Augmented human [color=rosybrown][b]Level:[/b][/color] 5 field agent [color=rosybrown][b]Skills/Powers:[/b][/color] Marc was injected with self duplicating nanobots that dwell in her bloodstream. They function as a system diagnostic tool, targeting disease and injury to help heal and/or destroy it. The nanobots, cleverly named "technocytes", can also come to the surface of the skin to form a smooth, hard, form fitting armor that is chrome in appearance. This armor allows for flexibility, which is great, because that's one of Marc's strong points. She's a skilled fighter, relying on her speed and agility rather than her physical strength. The armor doesn't weight her down, and allows her to wear just about anything she pleases into a fight. She could wear her jammies to work if she damn well pleased. Aside from her physical prowess, Marc has a few other handy dandy skills. She's good as communication, keeping her cool under stress and emergency, and making split second decisions that she (usually) won't regret later. [color=rosybrown][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] Marc is a simple woman with a pleasant face. Her skintone is a pale olive, her hair dark brown. Her eyes are a hazel color. She often wears makeup to work, but rarely in the field. What she wears to work is typically light: foundation, mascara, maybe eyeliner if she's feeling it that day. Also that crap you put under your eyes after not sleeping for a week, only when needed. Her style of dress is typically pretty casual. T-shirts, jeans, sneakers. As mentioned before, she doesn't really have to worry about body armor, so she's gotten pretty used to wearing whatever she wants in the field. It comes in handy for those missions that require her to wear a smancy cocktail dress to spy on old rich people at suspicious charity events. [color=rosybrown][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A pretty laid back woman, Marc doesn't really buy into the whole "female agent with a chip on her shoulder" routine that so many of her co-workers have going. Maybe it's because she always has backup. Marc has a dry sense of humor, one that's half sarcasm and half timing. She's pretty generous to her friends, those that she has, because she doesn't really have a whole lot else to give to. She'll come over and help you move or remember your birthdays, that kind of thing. [color=rosybrown][b]History:[/b][/color] Marceline was born a pretty average kid. She was the daughter of an inventor and a cybernetics expert, a match made in heaven. Her parents worked on several projects together, the technocytes being one of the many. However, as their funds grew low, they started getting involved in some sketchy deals to keep the lights on. They sold some tech to some guys they didn't exactly do a background check on, and the next thing they knew, the crooks were demanding more. When Marc's mother and father refused to deliver, the men had them kidnapped and taken to their boss to 'reconsider'. In a last minute stroke of panicked genius, Marc's father left his daughter with a chip that had all of their projects stored on it and burned the rest before being captured. Marc was instructed to take the chip and find a family friend that lived in the next state over, someone who would take her in and keep her parents' work safe. Marc never saw her mother and father after that, but somehow, the generic villains found out about the chip and intercepted her before she got to her destination. They looked through the stuff on the chip and found that most of the stuff on it was crap, written in gobbledegook and half baked ideas that only a rocket scientist could make heads or tails of. The technocyte project was the only thing that was complete. So they hired the generic, HYDRA-esque mad scientists to create these tiny machines and used Marc as a test subject. For the first couple weeks after the injections, it looked like the project was a bust. Marc was kept in their lab for observation, against her will of course, until SHIELD eventually caught wind of it and shut it down. Marceline was given a look over and deemed healthy aside from the microscopic machines in her bloodstream, which they couldn't really do anything about. It was a few years later when she learned how to properly use them. Marc joined SHIELD as a lowly field agent and worked her way up. During an op, she met her partner in crime, Sasha. Sasha, at the time, wasn't a real nice dude. He was working for HYDRA as an engineer/grunt, but once Marceline found out his reasons for doing so, she took some pity on him and didn't shoot him in the face. She offered to talk to her superiors about hiring him on at SHIELD. After all, it wouldn't be first villain they'd turned good. They could help him out with his problems, and he could make them cool toys. Everyone was happy. Marc and Sasha still continue to work together on missions. Whenever either of them have a two-man op, its usually understood who their partner is going to be. They're as best of friends as a two people could be but, despite rumors and speculation, they have no romantic interest in each other. [/hider]