There was a smattering of applaus and few cheers. An inattentive crowd, what buzz kill. His fingers were still bleeding and no one seemed to notice. With all the genius and wilds that the fifteen year old could muster he would play a [url=] another song[/url] and get off the stage. He only passed the first chorus before it happened. The stage was rushed by an [url=] orange hair girl[/url], running up in an overly cute and feminine sorta way. She whisperes into his softy. "Keep playing the same song and only sing the choruses. They'll love it." As quickly as she appeared, she was on his phone. Selecting a different version of the same, one that Rikimaru didn't know. While [url=]music[/url] was almost identical, the opening however, was vastly different. From the second the music started to play the orange haired girl was bouncing up and down in complete and total rocker chick fashion. A great contrast to Rikimaru's standing strong energy. With each verse that the two sang. It was more like they were sing to each other than to a crowd of people. Each movement instinctively played off the other. Her sass played off his played his pleading. They're contradictory ways only seemed to compliment each with each passing note. It was the first time they had ever seen each other, let alone preformed together. Yet no one crowd could or would have guessed that. This was far from the best performance that two people could or would have put on. Truth be told both left a little something to be desired, however like a cheeseburger or a beef bowl, it was much greater than the sum of its parts. When the song was over, the crowd cheered and roaring at exceeded expectations. These two kids, complete strangers to each other had slayed it. The orange haired girl went back to being as cute as she could. In a kind and thankful voice, she shouted out to the crowd. "I'm Ai, thank you so much for listening to our song!" She posed with a peace sign and shouted something that Rikimaru couldn't make out. After watching her leave Rikimaru looked at his hands and fingers. They were bloodies pretty well. He also notice that his guitar was almost covered in it. It wasn't gonna hurt anything , fingers are pretty vascular but still he needed to get it taken care of. With that thought in his head Rikimaru put his stuff away grabbed his phone and bowed deeply in front of the crowd. He was greatful for being able to play but girl named Ai had already said enough for the both of them in his mind.