Heath was trotting on a horse while singing, not too loudly, however, not to attract unwanted attention. In his left hand he held the reins of his grey-furred horse, an old and somewhat small animal, one that he stole a while back. Seed he called it. Nobody would say Heath's horse was a fine steed, but Heath could not say that it has ever failed him. The man's right hand tightly held a canteen half-full of wine, the other half already drunk by him en route. He stopped singing for a moment to take a gulp of wine. As he did that, his horse suddenly went to a full stop and Heath barely held himself in the saddle, as his head was slightly spinning from the second canteen of wine he was drinking. "What the..."- Heath almost cursed, but was briefly cut off by a woman's voice in front of his horse: "'scuse me, ser, me and me husband's cart broke its wheel, mayhaps you could help me man fix it?" "Shut it, woman" a man's voice shouted at the first voice "Shall I need help, I'll ask for it meself." "Ploughin' dumb are ye? Ye wanna spend a night 'ere in the open? I much rather reach Paron and sleep in me cozy bed, mere ten miles away.." Even though Heath's head was spinning from all that wine, he did understand that the woman said "Paron". "Wait, what did you just say?" Heath asked, interrupting their dispute. "Paron? This road leads to Paron?" "Aye, it does, lad" the man answered. "And we're almost good to go, no need fer ye to help me." Heath actually had no intention to help the man in the first place, yet only now he understood having taken the wrong turn two days ago, travelling in the wrong direction and not noticing it because of being half-drunk the whole time. "Damn" he said and sighed, then took another gulp of wine. "Paron it is, I guess. Farewell you two, hope you fix the cart soon enough." Heath lead Seed around the man and woman and their cart and started trotting towards Paron, hearing disputes behind for quite some time still.