[h2]Bridget Carran[/h2] In middle of the small 'abandoned' house that Bridget was using as her base of operations for this Grail War, a space had been cleared for the ritual. Empty glass jars inscribed with a rune to preserve their contents were scattered around the complex circle, painted in Bridget's own blood--gathered over time for just such a scenario. If she was going to be summoning an ancient hero to shut down this war, she didn't want to screw up and get Assassin because of her own lack of power. Hopefully, the mana in her blood would help the ritual bring forth something more... useful. Even as the blonde went through the chant, she couldn't help but respect the artistry that went into creating the Holy Grail. Even if its purpose was foolish, to create an artefact capable of reducing the incredible difficulty of a Heroic Spirit, and encasing it in a container to a simple chant was nothing short of breathtaking. It was a shame that she couldn't preservce just that part of the machinery. [i]"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"[/i]