[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/4b1ef38aee68ebc28c91f69f6e0ca871/tumblr_inline_mitx69szEW1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [color=gray]Even if Aella had the slightest question in mind, she wouldn’t ask. Either way, it didn’t matter to her that much since the likely hood of the USA changing isn’t exactly high when it comes to capitalism and classes. So, instead of commenting, Aella just nodded her head politely and eyed the Tomb’s bar. Her throat ached with the need for something cold and some Sprite usually helped with the aftertaste of throw-up in her throat. [color=7ea7d8]“Well, I’m going to go get something to drink. So, er, excuse me. I’ll be right back.”[/color] Aella hurried to stand up, the missing pencil falling off of her body and to the ground, though she paid it no attention. Aella hurried to the bar and tapped her fingers on the surface, thinking and waiting for her nerves to settle. Aella might ask for a potion of some sorts from Mrs. Woden at the Institute…if she’d give her some. Last year, Mrs. Woden had to halt her supply due to needing the potions because of an outbreak of the common flu. Finally, after a moment of gathering herself, Aella called the bartender – who switched every trip to someone they never met before and so most students gave up learning the bartenders’ names – with a timid flick of her fingers. [color=f6989d]“Hello, what can I get you?”[/color] She asked, smiling sweetly while stereotypically cleaning a glass. Part of Aella just wanted to smack the glass right out of her hand for being such a cinematic bartender. [color=7ea7d8]“A Sprite, please.”[/color] Aella muttered, her legs shaking and her short hair bouncing with the rhythm. The bartender quickly poured some Sprite into a glass with three ice cubes, sliding it over to the neurotic Strand girl. Aella freaked and fumbled with the glass before catching it firmly between her fingers. Knowing it was time to get back to her acquaintances, the brunette began walking, hurrying so as not to keep them waiting. And then – whoops! Aella somehow didn’t see a stray textbook on the floor, probably thrown by a student or another, and she tripped over it, falling forward as her glass of Sprite splashed onto her face. Aella managed to place a foot onto the ground before she fell completely, but she couldn’t help the glass falling from her hand and shattering onto the floor. Really, who decided giving a bunch of kids some breakables would be a good idea? Instantly, Aella could feel her face blaze into a glory of red. Her shoulders hunched, her hair dripping, and ice cubes slipping down her clothes, Aella never felt more embarrassed in her life. She could only muster a tight nod when the bartender assured her she would clean up the mess and she barely kept her walk even and slow as she stalked to the staircase despite the overwhelming urge to dash up the stairs and never come back down again. How embarrassing.[/color]