[quote=@Nilesapa] Well at least you have flint and Steel. With where I am, I don't even think I'll have access to drinkable water if it happened. [/quote] When I'm bored I enjoy reading survival guides, there's some crazy stuff your can do to survive. If you're dying of dehydration you can actually suck water out of animals' eyes, because the eyes hold the most water. There are less disgusting ways like distilling or collecting rain water, but that takes a long time. In a post-apocalyptic environment your best bet would be to find a spring, hide it, and then sell clean water to other survivors for goods or services so you can not only survive but profit. I've just got a ton of random knowledge floating around in my head that I've never had the occasion to use, knowing and doing are two different things but I guess knowing is half the battle so I feel like if I found myself in a survival situation I'd have a fair chance.