Horus was torn from his day dream by the clatter made on the first floor. [color=fff79a][i]"They're here."[/i][/color], Horus said in a deeper tone then normal. Picking Carter up once again, Horus led the wounded soldier and himself downstairs to help the new arrivals. [color=fff79a][i]"Crap, Brandon what the hell did you do to yourself?"[/i][/color], Horus said in astonishment. Brandon had developed a huge gash in his side, and he was slightly singed in select places. It looked like he had blown himself up. [color=fff79a][i]"Here."[/i][/color], Horus informed, handing Carter over to Tzofia before he kneeled down near Brandon. After taking a hearty swig from one of his water bottles, Horus splashed the remainder of the container into Brandon's face with an effort to wake him up. [color=fff79a][i]"It helped, a little... He's at least looking straight..."[/i][/color], He added before grabbing a cigarette from Brandon's pocket and lighting it. [color=fff79a][i]"Brandon, can you hear me?"[/i][/color], Horus said calmly as he stood, the cigarette smoke swirling around him in the drafty bank building.