Ellyn was extremely embarrassed about the whole situation that is currently going on, it seems to be very inappropriate and there is more important stuff to do then sexual matters at the hand, although it did feel reassuring when Artos gently ruffled her blonde hair, her embarrassment going away slowly, however that victory was short lived as the teasing then began… Why would Artos touch her breasts in the first place?? they weren't that interesting, it was inappropriate and umm she wouldn’t allow that, whatsoever. Thankfully something stopped the groping session between Das and Vivian, noticing that there was something wrong with Hugh’s horse with it’s legs moving… but nothing else seemed to, then all was revealed as a spell decloaked everything that was invisible, revealing elves, campments and a very glamourous pegasus. The pegasus seems to know what was going on with the city showing loads of smoke and explained that they cannot stay here for long, they can only eat, drink and rest, for they have to activate a special weapon or item of some sort; and thanks to Garrek, her orc friend; she knew what to do, shifting herself over to see which one of the elves can weave a dress or at least a suitable outfit for her to move in, unlike her dress earlier that has most likely vanished by getting washed out from that rock she layed it upon to dry when the tides turned in. Taking off the cloak off her shoulders slowly and giving it to Artos as she did so.