[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Scott and Eric had been impressed by Clara’s band, Lady Fairchild. So impressed, that they offered them the gig as The Hub’s new house band. However, as they hammered out the final details of the deal, Scott found himself staring at the pretty brunette who was also the lead singer of the band. She had introduced herself as Keira Parker, and from the moment they had met, Scott had a hard time taking his eyes off of her, and he had noticed that she seemed to be interested in him as well. “So, we get Friday and Saturday nights, and you give us 30% of the take?” Clara said to Eric, clarifying the terms of the deal. “Yeah, that sounds about right. Scott?” Eric said, wanting to get confirmation from his business partner. “Sorry, what?” Scott asked as he was forced back into the conversation that he wasn’t really listening to. He had been lost in the moment, in the unspoken flirtation between himself and Keira. “The split. We were going to go 70-30, right?” Eric asked, successfully masking his annoyance from his voice. Scott was about to confirm that yes, that was what they had agreed on when his enhanced senses picked up on something outside. Even through the loud music that was currently playing inside the club, he could hear the sounds of gunfire. From the sounds of it, it was several blocks away. The gun shots were followed by the sounds of squealing tires and the pained cries of someone who he could only assume was the target of the shooting. Then there was something else. The smell of smoke began to burn his nostrils. He knew that something was going on outside, and he had to find out what it was. “Excuse me.” He said, getting up from the table. “I just remembered that there’s something I have to take care of. Ladies…” Scott said, nodding in Keira’s direction before disappearing from view into the crowded dance floor. [center]***[/center] After excusing himself from the meeting with the band and changing out of his clothes into the recognizable blue and silver uniform that he wore as the masked hero Icon, he took to the skies in search of the commotion that he had detected from within the club. Once he was in the sky, it didn’t take him long to locate the problem. Or, more accurately, it didn’t take him long to find the problems. He noticed no fewer than a half a dozen small fires, and several larger ones that threatened to consume entire blocks of the city. Fortunately, the fine men and women of the Lost Haven Fire Department seemed to be on top of things, and thought they struggled with the infernos, they seemed to have gotten things relatively under control. Aside from the fires, Icon also saw a number of armed men and women running amok in Sherman Square, robbing and looting at will. Something didn’t seem right, it didn’t seem like a random riot. At first he thought that it may have been some of the city’s residents’ response to the Nightmare situation, however, it just didn’t feel right. This felt more something deliberate, a message. But from who? Icon didn’t know, and he didn’t much care. As he flew over the city, Icon noticed a small group of men standing outside of the shattered storefront window of a small electronics store. The store, called Angelo’s Electronics was a local staple in Sherman Square, having been in the same spot since 1968, where it had originally sold TV’s and radios, along with some small appliances. Over the years, the store had evolved, switching from just TV’s, radios, and small appliances to all manner of electronics. Stores and shops in Sherman Square changed over time, but Angelo’s was one of the few constants. Icon gently touched down behind the small group of looters, and cleared his throat. [b]”You know, I don’t think Angelo would appreciate you trashing his store.” [/b] Icon said. “Yeah, who gives a crap?” One of the looters asked before turning to see who it was that had the gall to address him. “Oh, shit.” He said as he saw the blue and silver clad form of Icon. The looter a revolver out of his coat and began firing, hitting Icon four times in the chest and twice in the head. Icon just stood there, looking somewhat bored. He mimed covering his mouth from a yawn as the looter rushed toward him. [b]”Really?”[/b] Icon said as the looter cocked his fist to strike. When the looter’s fist struck Icon’s face, there was a distinct popping and cracking sound. The looter immediately pulled his hand back, and clutched his fist as he went down to his knees, crying out in pain. [b]”Yeah, because that’ll work.”[/b] The rest of the looters came back from the store, and seeing the scene before them, not wanting to cross Icon, they placed the stolen electronics on the ground and surrendered. In a flash, Icon raced off to a nearby construction site, a building that was in the process of being repaired after sustaining significant damage during D-Day. Within seconds he returned with a large section of orange construction fencing and began wrapping it tightly around the group of looters. [b]”If I were you, I’d consider a new line of work.”[/b] Icon said as he took to the skies, racing off toward one of the massive infernos that threatened a nearby residential neighborhood.