[h2]Saber[/h2] The circle blazed with light. The intensity of the glow grew and grew, flaring as the girl chanted the incantation that would bring about a heroic spirit. A wind seemed to originate from the center, forced outwards and casting a burst of air through the area. And indeed, as the light grew, so too did a growing mist, rising and pouring out from the circle. What else could be expected from the summoning of such a being? A ritual of this nature could not possibly be a quiet and peaceable affair. No, indeed, the light built, the mist grew thicker, and then-... Then it all faded away. For a few moments it seemed as if something was wrong, but suddenly something began to build in the center of the circle. Motes of green light drifted through the air, collecting and swirling in the center. As they joined together, they began to construct... something. A shape was formed, starting with a pair of armored sandals, then legs in black leggings... further and further, the light traveled, forming an ornately layered hakama with various designs upon its dark pink and white surface, and lacquered armor plating. Further and further up, forming an elegant female form clad in fabric and lacquered armor. Arms were folded across her chest, and at last, silky black hair, a youthful, soft face, and several ornamentations formed from green light. Fixed to her hip was a sheathed katana, or more accurately a nodachi. Only a nodachi would describe a blade of that sheer length. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/599/d3b038d84a79d28add88ba2345f40cf26597ac4e.jpg?604422]That soft face was turned in a serious expression as the girl looked upon her Master. She was not at all tall, but at the same time she cast an air of power about her, one someone would expect from a warrior.[/url] So, this was the one who had summoned her? Who had called her to the world in order to battle for the Holy Grail? Inclining her head to the side, the black-haired young woman knew precisely what action to take next. "My class is Saber," she began, "As the one who summoned me, you can only be my Master. Is this correct?"