[b]Name: Jason Todd[/b] [b]Alias: Red Hood AKA Arkham Knight[/b] [i]Jason Todd.. the 2nd Robin, first appearing #408 in 1987, and dying and 1988. And among all of the MALE Robins, he was Robin for a short bit of time. Jason Todd was a street orphan, now obviously Jason Todd, the street orphan had to feed himself. He decided that he could borrow off a tire off a car, this not succeeding, Batman confronts him. And probably to say........... those tires are the Bat-Mobile. And say for some reason... Batman meets Jason Todd this way and that's the first meeting between the two. Bruce has Jason put in a school for trouble use, but actually it seems the school is a HQ for a gang of bad guys. Unfortunately Bruce and Jason Todd beat up the bad men and Jason Todd becomes Robin. But before he could wear the Robin suit, he had 6 months of intense training. This potent training made him think Gotham was a powerful strong place, but while Dick Grayson had all of these acrobatic skills that Jason Todd didn't have, Jason Todd was just...................... angst. Bruce learned if Dick learned to control his rage, he would be an AMAZING Robin. But if Bruce didn't take Jason Todd, he would just be a crime unaccountable for Batman as a sidekick. On Jason's first adventure with Batman, he heard of a villain that he has heard of a bit, so he does a bit research. But when doing research he finds out that Harvey Dent has killed his father, Willis Todd. When he finds this out, he is flooded with anger so much anger, when he sees Two-Face, he goes right up to Two-Face and attempts to choke Two-Face to perish. [color=ed1c24]"I HATE YOU TWO FACE! I'LL KILL YOU AND THIS'LL BE YOUR GRAVE!"[/color] [/i] Batman was able to at least catch up with Jason and pull him off, and they both stopped Two-Face. And this trend would follow Jason all the way to his grave. Jason remembered thinking of his father over and over, and he couldn't get over his father dead and he threw breakdowns while he was Robin. But.. Jason was a bit of a pighead... he didn't follow orders. One time, Jason and Batman we're planning a simple get-in-get out get inside or get out. And Jason just jumped down and started hitting and attacking; Jason ruins the whole plan. But then, Jason would start using guns, even though Batman wouldn't allow and disliked guns. Batman didn't approve of Jason's angst behavior in crime. And Jason knew that, but when he found out Two-Face killed his father, this followed up. Until Nightwing came back, Jason was all happy. And Dick and Jason actually became friends, and he gave him his phone number. Jason remembered every last word Nightwing said before he left him in those moments. [color=1b1464]If you need me, I'll always be there, here's my phone number.[/color] He was ALWAYS ALWAYS, being compared to Dick Grayson sometimes and he didn't like that. One moment, Jason would become even more violent, and just standing at a balcony, he was just standing there, BATMAN zipping to the scene. [color=8882be]Robin, WHAT HAPPENED? [/color] Basically Jason stands there, and he looks down. Batman looks at Robin, with a stern look and basically what happens is this man raped, another woman. And Jason kills this man, throwing him off, lying to Batman. And Todd makes up a terrible excuse to this saying; [color=aba000]"He tripped..."[/color] Batman doesn't believe this but having no answer or reason to prove otherwise, he asks. [color=1b1464]Did Felipe fall.. or trip...?[/color] After that basically Batman knew Jason was getting violent. So a couple years ported, a death in the FAMILY was created and a spot in the hole was created for Jason Todd. And when Batman got so mad and DONE with Jason, Jason was angst. He was filled with dread, he thought Batman didn't understand. This caused him to STOMP right out of Wayne Manor in front of Bruce Wayne himself. Jason Todd goes to his mother, well he thinks that's his mother. He learns that Katherine is not is biological mother. Jason uses a item that he got from Bruce while he was Robin, using this to track down his mother. He learned his mother was a aid worker, so learning so he traveled there. His mother's actually WORKING for Joker, at least Joker is blackmailing his mother for her to work for him. So Jason unaware of this is about to fall into his death ported in 1988. Joker beats Jason with a crowbar, INSIDE of his ROBIN costume and his mother is in there with him inside of a warehouse. Batman is about to arrive, but then the bomb goes off, and Batman is too late. And everything blows. When Robin dies, his grave is placed.. Bruce is depressed by this several months after Jason dies. .. [b]6 MONTHS LATER.[/b] Jason returns from the dead, soon but no one is really sure how. And Tim is took as the new 3rd ROBIN. But when Robin was... Jason Todd was really angry about this, but Tim was better than him. It took 1 week for Jason to find the Bat-Cave, looking at the old location Batman and him worked at. Soon Red Hood was so mad at Batman, he looked around the world in Gotham for tips and tricks for dead tricks around Gotham. But instead of getting Batman... he thought he could get Tim. So looking around, he looked for bombs and he knew Tim was just becoming Robin and the Bat-Family was coming, but he wasn't really apart of it. Doing so, he dressed like Batman with guns and gadgets fancy gadgets, looking around and dressing like Batman. With guns, soon enough he was armed with guns and fancy gadgets and shot around Gotham, and turned most of Gotham against Batman, but soon Nightwing battled Jason, and Nightwing knew this was Jason. After attempting, what it seemed to beat Jason. Jason disappeared.. and returned in; [color=9e0b0f][b]February 1st, 2016 [/b][/color] Red Hood would go leaking in the shadows in Gotham and was back for vengeance. [b][u]Attributes [/u][/b] Master Martial Artist Proficient with firearms Melee Martial Artist Quick Attacks, Dive In Combo. Resource Killer, Hacking Device. [b]Stomping Grounds[/b] Jason is in a roundhouse of killer district, he owns a small HQ where he has tons of murders with him, such as Professor Pyg, and he owns suits there. He grounds a interest for a huge "salon" at Gotham City, though, he lets Professor Pyg and Hush own it there, things go on as surgery and facial surgery there. [b]People Of Note:[/b] [i]Hush, AKA Tommy Elliot [/i] [i]Professor Pyg[/i] [i]Batman[/i] [i]Joker[/i] [i]Tim Drake AKA Robin[/i] [i]Man-Bat[/i] [i]Harley-Quinn[/i] [b]Character Goals [/b] [i]Kill Joker[/i] [i]Kill Tim Drake[/i] [i]Find out the best way how to kill BATMAN.[/i] [i]Take Over Gotham.[/i] [b]Sample[/b] [color=9e0b0f]"You know Batman, I've had a great time fighting you.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Kill him, NOW."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"NO, NO Batman, WE KNOW HOW YOU THINK!"[/color] Jason Todd tossed all of the fancy Bat-Gadgets around, trying to find the perfect one. My version of Jason is the killing and violent Jason, depressing and filled with dread. (I post casual, mostly sometimes I'll post long and huge.)