[h3]Sister Phoebe Miriam - Church convent[/h3] Even as the overseer of the Grail War sat in quiet contemplation in the Redrock church, elsewhere in that old building five figures began a ritual within a room lit only by blessed candles. As four black-clad nuns finished drawing a magic circle, a fifth, dressed in an immaculate white habit, kneeled down in the center with hands clasped in prayer. For a moment, the dimly lit room was bathed in silence, until sound began emanating from the white nun's lips. It could easily have been mistaken for a hymn, as her melodious voice sang out in Latin an all too familiar incantation. As she sang, the other four nuns joined in, and as their small choir incanted the words the room slowly began to grow brighter and brighter as the magic circle activated. Raising her hands to the sky, the white nun held aloft the relic she had been gifted by the Church, a catalyst intended to call forth a mighty Servant indeed. Finally, as her singing reached its end, the circle flashed almost blindingly bright as a figure began to materialize... As the connection between Master and Servant was forged, Sister Phoebe could tell that she had drawn a powerful hand indeed. The most subtle of smiles began to crack upon her face, as she knew that with this Servant... If this Grail truly was equal to that most holy of relics, then there was no doubt that it would soon belong to the Church, were it truly belonged.