[hider=Kaldur'ahm - Aqualad] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/2f6bbb3398f9a5831f9182c8d5a2be3e/tumblr_ml5p83BFdw1r9uwdao1_400.png[/img] [color=00aeef][B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Kaldur'ahm[/INDENT] [color=00aeef][B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Aqualad[/INDENT] [color=00aeef][B]| [I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [i]Hydrokinesis:[/i] He can form and control the flow of water much in the same way that Mera can. Normally he forms highly pressurized water into handles in the form of swords or maces. [i]Electrokinesis:[/i] He has the power to control electric waves; much in the same way an electric eel can. This ability seems to manifest along side the electrical appearances of his mysterious tattoos. This ability has appeared in electrical touch, bursts of electricity and electrical skin. [i]Amphibious Transformation:[/i] When any source of water touches Jackson's skin his body transforms and he gains gills and webbed features. This allows him to breathe underwater and swim at speeds that can match Aquaman's. [i]Hard-water constructs:[/i] Aqualad has the unique ability to solidify water into a myriad of different weapons for physical attacks. So far he has created swords, maces, sledgehammers, a small shield, and a large eel. This ability, like his hydrokinesis and electricity generation, is powered by his eel tattoos. [i]Atlantean attributes:[/i] Atlanteans, although Human, have through scientific and sorcerous means developed several abilities which allow them to live comfortably under the sea. [i]Underwater breathing:[/i] All Atlanteans are capable of surviving the aquatic atmosphere under the sea. Some accomplish this without the presence of visible gills. [i]Temperature resilience:[/i] Resistant to low temperatures and the effects of freezing, although notably hindered by high temperatures. [i]Durability:[/i] Dense flesh, although not invulnerable. [i]Strength:[/i] Aqualad is able to lift up to half a ton. (1000lbs or 450kgs) [i]Toxin resistance:[/i] Aqualad has a partial immunity to poisons of sea creatures, such as jellyfish toxin. [i]Expert hand-to-hand combatant:[/i] Aqualad is extremely skilled in combat able to go toe-to-toe with his mentor Aquaman. [i]Multilingualism:[/i] Aqualad can speak Atlantean and English. Likely as an extension of his home language, he has some fluency in Ancient Greek and Modern Greek. [i]Water Pack:[/i] A black metallic backpack that holds an unspecified amount of water that Aqualad can use. It also holds his Water-Bearers. [i]Water-Bearers: [/i] Twin hilts that can hold onto water which Aqualad then uses to create his hard-water weapons. They are also used as a type of water gun to shoot water from his water pack and can be used to help manipulate sources of water. [/INDENT] [color=00aeef][B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][i]Dehydration:[/i] Because his natural habitat is underwater, Aqualad is physically weakened when exposed to high temperatures and dry conditions. His skin burns more easier than a human's and doesn't tend to stay out in clear sunlight for an extended period of time. [i]Depression/Loneliness:[/i] Kaldur'ahm suffers from depression. Kaldur's only known family member is his father, Black Manta--who he despises for every bad thing he has done. Many Atlanteans look down on Kaldur, taking out their disgust and anger for Black Manta out on Kaldur. Without a father he can look up to and a living mother to provide him with love and compassion, Kaldur faces severe depression and loneliness. [i]Overly Brash:[/i] As someone who is looked down on in Atlantis, Kaldur'ahm tends to go out on a limb to attempt to do what people say he cannot do. This may be a major downfall for Kaldur'ahm. As Garth's successor, he is also pressured into doing what he was able to do when he was Aqualad. [i]Fears Peer Rejection:[/i] Aqualad is the son of Black Manta and is often treated with disgust and hatred--despite being a hero. He has been emotionally tormented over the years by Atlanteans and himself. He fears being rejected by friends and people he has come to respect over the years. [i]Selfless:[/i] Kaldur'ahm [b]always[/b] puts others before him--no matter what the cost being, even if it being his life. This may also be his downfall. [i]Moral Code Against Killing:[/i] In order to never become anything like his father, Kaldur'ahm has vowed never to take somebody's life no matter what. He believes that if he were to cross the line even once, he would never be able to stop himself from doing it again. [/INDENT] [color=00aeef][b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b][/color] [INDENT][color=f7941d]"Come at me again, Kaldur'ahm!"[/color] Aquaman barked, his voice straining with exhaustion as sweat ran down his temples. Kaldur'ahm looked up at his mentor with a stern stare as he laid down panting like a dog on his hands and knees. He used his remaining endurance and willpower to stand--his muscles and body were beyond tired, but he would not waver from any challenge presented from his mentor. [color=00aeef]"I hope your heart does not give out on you, my King."[/color] He said jokingly, [color=00aeef]"You appear more exhausted than I am."[/color] Aquaman let out a chuckle, [color=f7941d]"Oh worry not, child. As the surface-dwellers say: I'm as stubborn as a mule!"[/color] Aquaman spun his golden trident around tauntingly, [color=f7941d]"What are you waiting for? Come at me, my boy!"[/color] Aqualad let out a smirk as he reached out behind him to grab his water-bearers, slinging them both forward and creating hard-water blade constructs. Kaldur'ahm proceeded to let out a shout--not of terror, fear, or pain; but out of confidence--as he charged towards his mentor. He swung his right blade forward, only to be caught and held captive by Aquaman's trident. He then proceeded to chuckle once more, [color=f7941d]"Come on now, Kaldur, surely you must have expected that to happen."[/color] Now this time, it was the protege chuckling, [color=00aeef]"I was counting on it, my King."[/color] Aquaman raised an eyebrow as Aqualad smirked. The King of Atlantis proceeded to look down, to see that the tip of Kaldur's left blade was just touching his chest. He hadn't even seen him move his left arm at all. Aquaman looked back up towards his apprentice, [color=f7941d]"Well played, my apprentice. Well played."[/color] The apprentice backed away from his mentor and disabled his water-bearers and placed them back in their holster on his back. Aquaman then proceeded to flip his trident upside-down and bury it's tip into the stand, [color=f7941d]"I finally believe you are ready, Kaldur."[/color] Kaldur raised an eyebrow, [color=00aeef]"Pardon me my King but, ready for what exactly?"[/color] Aquaman let out a smile, [color=f7941d]"To join the Titans team on the East Coast, of course. Guardian is reforming it with an entire new roster--or so I've been told. I believe you would be an excellent addition to the team. After all, you do need some more field experience before I even think about putting your name forward in the next Justice League meeting."[/color] Kaldur's eyes were wide with shock, he had always wanted to be on a team--but the Titans? The Teen Titans? This was a dream come true for Kaldur'ahm--he would fantasize about being on the Titans when he was a young boy, whether it was the East or West Coast Titans. He didn't care whether he was the leader or not, he's just always wanted to work alongside others who were like him. Kaldur'ahm was still in shock, but his next words came out of his mouth without any hesitation. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, my King. I won't let you down."[/color] [/INDENT] [color=00aeef][b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b][/color] [indent]- Kaldur'ahm is the son of supervillian Black Manta and the current protege of Aquaman. - Kaldur'ahm is fascinated with the stories of his predecessor Garth, who now goes by the name Tempest. - Kaldur'ahm goes by just "Kaldur" when around friends.[/indent][/hider]