Caster inadvertently let out a small sigh behind his feathered fan as his new Master immediately took to asserting herself as powerful. No sense of humility or restraint, as far as he could see... This could prove to be quite vexing. But he would have to wait and see if this girl's actions could back up her words before all else... "Very well then. From now until my death, we shall be bound towards our common goal." he sighed, concluding the contract and walking out of the summoning circle to bow towards Fio. "That being said, though, I would like to request the ability to look about our current location; I know not of this landscape and would much prefer it if I could understand our location before our to-be adversaries." Right now, fortifying their current location would have to be a priority. Given how the Grail had given him all the necessary knowledge of the war he was to be engulfed in, it only seemed logical to make sure that his Master was safe. The problem remained, though, that this was by no means a conventional war... At least, not by his standards...