Chuckling at Vas' comment regarding his past, Sam smiled, [b]"Word has a way of spreading does it not, and I hope the gods are as forgiving as you say, we shall need there favour"[/b]. Pausing to ponder the word about the Brother's sight, it seemed he had been right not to underestimate the priest, he was clearly as perceptive, if not more so than any of his companions. As they were speaking Sayrin had caught up, when he finished speaking Sam would be lying if the bard's words did not instill him with fear, but fear was good. Fear stopped you from underestimating your opponent. [b]"I have pledged to lend my sword to this mission, and I will not back out now, I'm in this until the end."[/b] Sam uttered in a rare moment of seriousness, he appreciated the paladin's honesty though. A lesser man would have reassured them with false tales of an easy journey, at least they had caravan to lend haste to the first leg of their journey, they would need as much of their energy as possible for the trouble to come.