Belle dropped her hand away from her eye as Jarvotte, a frown playing on her face. She hadn’t meant to say that, it had just come out before her mind could stop her lips from spilling the words. Belle heisted to speak for a moment, shifting in her chair in the silence. [color=Crimson]“I…I shouldn’t have told you that.”[/color] She said in a soft almost whisper. Belle sighed a little at her own stupidity before she shook her head and answered her guest’s question. [color=Crimson]“Yes, he was. He is no longer, however. Surely even where you are from there are stories about, The Beast of Le Château Rose. Who steals women and children, I assure you this is not true if that is why whoever sent you here did. I am the only one he has taken, and I was happy to trade my life so my father could live. I was reason he took something from the castle.”[/color] She said her tone turning defensive. Everyone always would judge Beast no matter how many times Belle tried to preach the truth, no one ever would listen to her, not even her father. Belle sighed softly sadly, knowing that the woman was likely not even listening anymore. [color=Crimson]“It is not his fault he was cursed before he was even born.”[/color] Belle looked up at the next words that Jarvotte spoke surprising her. It was uncommon for any kindness or sympathy shown towards her prince. No normally this would be the time that the person she was speaking to would do one of three things. Laugh in her face calling her a moron, simply walk away, or if they were at the castle, push her out of the way and start searching the castle to find nothing. [color=Crimson]”I…I'm sorry. What?”[/color] Belle said her tone giving away her surprise. [color=Crimson]“I have never had anyone care enough to ask such a thing.”[/color] She answered after a moment of not speaking. [color=Crimson]“I do not know the whole story truly, Adam has tried to keep me from no such horrible things. He says that it was an enchantress who was in love with his father while he still ruled as king. So she tried to curse his wife, however she was pregnant and the curse laid on Adam instead.”[/color] She answered with a frown as she tried to recall the story he had told her.