Durin removed his helmet that was previously obscuring his face. After all, he was no longer in combat, head protection would most likely be unnecessary. Holding the headgear under his right arm, looked at the two very different women and sized them up. One of them was obviously a fighter, and the other was the gnome, but then again, that crossbow she carried meant she was not unprepared for combat. The human girl had more weapons on her, an axe and a dagger. Both respectable weapons to have that are effective from a distance and extreme close quarters. However, the fact that she didn't have any armor would leave her mostly unprotected against bladed and piercing weapons. So she probably wasn't a close range fighter despite first appearances. Unless she had armor and was just unprepared for the skeleton attack, which was a likely situation. The gnome on the other hand had a hat that somehow avoided damage during the fight and a lot of bags on her. Knowing gnomes, they were probably full of weird things. The human girl had a mistrustful, almost paranoid look in her eyes that he recognized somewhat in himself. Together, they seemed like a safe bunch to follow for now. And as a bonus, neither of them were unpleasant to look at. Durin nods at Tirarrian's order and follows behind her wordlessly. [@IcePezz] [@The Fated Fallen] [hr] [color=#CC0000]"Do not speak any more. I need to see to your wounds immediately. Ashara, prepare some salve for the guard captain!"[/color] From behind a closed storage door, a faint Yes Madam is heard. The front of the clinic was a clean, but small room consisting of a few shelves lined with simple, everyday medical products, closed off by a counter. Behind the counter is where Kayleth spent most of her day. However, the counter could easily be folded back to allow patients in of any race. Behind the counter was a doorless entryway into the clinic proper, a much larger room lined with 28 cots, 14 on each side, and in the center, a large stone table where her medical tools were kept. There wasn't anybody using the cots before the attack, so hopefully they would be able to handle maybe 60 injured people if Ashara could handle the stress. Currently the stone table had a pile of bandages stacked on top as Ashara had been instructed. Kayleth folds back the counter and steps through, helping the injured captain through the entryway and onto a cot. [color=#CC0000]"Do not worry, just try to relax here. If you went out now, you would only worsen your condition, and your men have enough to worry about as it is."[/color] [@IcePezz]