[b][u]A collboration between Shadow, Near, and Ryu[/u][/b] [hider=TL;DR] Team Madness start on their first step to working as a team, with a few road bumps along the way. Acacia explains grinding as well as how to determing the 'Level' of your pokemon. Then the team have at it, introducing a unique type of battling while they train their pokemon. [/hider] [color=darkorange]"Sure, whatever, lets just go,"[/color] Salina said, crossing her arms and glaring at Acacia. After a good minute of glaring, Salina began to walk out of the sanctuary. Noticing the obvious glare, Acacia looked back at the girl with a confused look. [color=aqua]"Salina, is something wrong? Change your mind about coming along at the thought of a bit of work?"[/color] The girl responded with a stare that could melt ice. She obviously wasn't in the mood for this. Acacia placed her hands on her hips and gave a [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/6264c5ec290024d58d8841b21b89f481/tumblr_n2x4auZM8y1qk08n1o1_500.gif]stank face.[/url] [color=red]"She has, uhhhh, 'mood swings',"[/color] Shay whispered to Acacia, just loud enough for her to hear. She walked up to Salina and put a hand on her shoulder, [color=red]"Calm down, we decided to go and thats that."[/color] Nodding in understanding, Acacia gave an apology to Salina. [color=aqua]"Alright, I'm sorry for assuming something different. I know we're just getting used to each other, but that's what we're going to work on. I fully intend to be friends with all your 'moods' if you'll let me. What do you say?"[/color] she asked the girl, giving a genuine smile. Acacia wasn't too worried about getting along with Shay, as she seemed really nice. Perhaps, if she did her job correctly, she could help the sisters get closer as well. [color=darkorange]"I dont care, do what you want. I really just want to get moving right now,"[/color] Salina said, almost defiantly. [color=aqua]"I'll take that as a yes."[/color] Acacia said, despite the answer to her question. [color=aqua]"Let's get going then."[/color] she said, leading the way out onto the streets of the city. Thankfully, it was a straight road to Route 4, and they didn't have to cross the busy street. The city was bustling, as it always was. The sidewalks and roads were crammed with residents and travelling trainers alike. Bikers and taxi cars were swerving around the people who decided they were too cool to take the sidewalks, meanwhile pokemon were sleeping under streetlights and the smell of coffee filled the air. Numerous cafe's were flooding with people sitting outside them and chatting, laughing. The noise was music to Acacia's ears. Looking over her shoulder, she was going to say something when she noticed a rollerskater coming up behind them. Fast. Reaching out, she pushed Shay into Salina to avoid them getting hit by the person, though as a result, was mowed down herself by the girl who was going way too fast to stop. Salina gasped at the sudden push by Acacia, she hadn't expected it so she grabbed Shay hard. Shay, in responce to the push, tried to grab Acacia's hand but barely missed it, calling out as she connected with the ground, Salina landing on top of her. Falling back onto her bottom painfully, Acacia pouted at the rollerskater who had fallen forward on her hands and knees. As soon as she was on her feet, the girl offered a hand, which Acacia swatted away. [color=aqua]"If you're trying to kill someone, [i]that[/i] is a very effective way to do it."[/color] she said, standing on her own and rubbing her bottom. [b]"I'm so so so sorry!"[/b] the girl said, looking apoligetic. [b]"Are you OK?"[/b] [color=aqua]"Yeah."[/color] she turned after trying to look at her bottom. [color=aqua]"My dress isin't ripped is it?"[/color] [b]"Nope. Look, can I make it up to you?"[/b] the girl said, opening her bag and ruffling through her things. Acacia held up her hands and shook her head. [b]"Please, I insist. I actually have a few spares. Here."[/b] the girl said, handing some rollerblade attachments to Acacia. She looked horrified at them and shook her head. [color=aqua]"No way. I can hardly walk without killing myself. "[/color] she said, looking up, but the girl had already started to skate away. [b]"Sorry! I'm in a hurry! Have a good one!"[/b] she yelled, looking over her shoulder and nearly running into someone else. Sighing, Acacia looked at Shay and Salina. [color=aqua]"Are you two OK? I'm sorry I pushed you."[/color] she paused. [color=aqua]"Do either of you want these? I think you just stick them on your shoes when you want."[/color] [color=darkorange]"I'm fine, those things are like a curse, your bound to die if you wear 'em."[/color] Salina said giving a disgusted look at the things. [color=aqua]"I agree."[/color] Acacia mumbled. [color=red]"I"ll give 'em a try. Lemme see,"[/color] Shay said reaching out and grabbing the skates, practically ripping them from Acacia's hands. She sat on the sidewalk and strapped the skates to her shoes. She stood up and started to roll around a bit, but it wasn't long before she hit a small rock on the pavement and fell to her bum. [color=red]"Owww, that hurt,"[/color] Shay chuckled. Snorting, Acacia reached down and helped Shay onto her feet. [color=aqua]"Here, why dont I hold onto your hand?"[/color] she offered, looking pointedly at Salina, hoping she'd help out her sister and take the other hand. [color=darkorange]"Is there something you want?"[/color] Salina asked in a rude tone. She gave a good few seconds between statements, [color=darkorange]"I'm a busy girl, ya' know."[/color] She mentally luaghed knowing that she had nothing to do. Letting out a laugh, Acacia looked down for a moment before looking back up at Salina. [color=aqua]"Well, whatever it is you're doing, pause. I want you to help Shay. Your her sister afterall right?"[/color] she said, raising a brow. [color=darkorange]"What do you think you are, my mother? I only do what I want, and I think you got it covered."[/color] [color=aqua]"Of course not. If I was, I'd have you and your attitude at home cleaning or something. If you wont help out and work with us, you might as well go do that."[/color] Acacia retorted, masking her agitation with a friendly tone. [color=red]"Salina! Dont you dare bring mom into this. I dont want you to mention her while we're out. if you do, then I just wont listen to what you have to say anymore."[/color] Shay said, making her way to the sidewalk with Acacia's help. Once there she sat down, unstrapped her skates and stood up. Waking over to Salina she put her hand on Salina's shoulder once again. [color=red]"Lets at least [i]try[/i] to make the best of this."[/color] Shay looked into Salina's eyes, hoping that she would understand. [color=darkorange]"Okay, you have a point, I'll try to be nicer from now on."[/color] Salina's facial expression changed as she said this, going back to the friendly demeanor she had while in the sanctuary. Acacia rubbed her butt again, as it was sore from falling twice in a short period of time. Looking at the sisters and how they reacted to each other made her agitation slowly fade. Suddenly, she knew why the Professor decided to leave the two under Acacia's watch, not only because he wanted to get a headstart. Sycamore was testing Acacia, even though he knew her specialty was pokemon. Not people. Scratching her head as she thought, she mumbled for the two to follow her again and she led the way to the gate to Route 4, staying quiet while they walked and dodged around people. Salina was going to be a tough nut to crack, but she figured she could watch and observe the way Shay handled her. Frowning at the thought, she realized she was doing it again. Treating a person like a research expirement. It was going to be hard for her to change. When they reached the gate to Route 4, she led the way inside, the noise of the city almost immediately fading into a light music that was probably the same kind played in elevators. [color=aqua]"Okay girls, on the other side of this building is Route 4. It's the perfect place to train your pokemon until about... level eight or nine. Maybe ten if you push it."[/color] turning, she looked at them. [color=aqua]"Did you two grab a Pokedex?"[/color] Shay reached into her bag and plucked out the pokedex, [color=red]"Yupp, right here,"[/color] She said, waving the device in the air. [color=darkorange]"Same here,"[/color] Salina waved her bag in the air, too lazy to take the Pokedex out. [color=aqua]"Okay, before we get started, I'll show you something. A new feature of the Pokedex that was updated recently. You might want to take it out and follow along."[/color] she suggested. Pulling her own out. Opening the thing, she went to stand between the sisters, holding her thing up to allow them to see. [color=aqua]"Alright, look here, it's easy. At the bottom of the screen here, you'll see tiny figures of my pokemon team. Reckognize Wigglytuff right there?"[/color] she said pointing to the little figure. Salina nodded in sync with Shay, looking at the screen. [color=aqua]"Okay, this is how you can keep track of your pokemon's progress. By scanning your pokemon every once in a while and changing some things manually, you can see which pokemon are doing better than the others. Follow me so far?"[/color] she asked, tapping on the figure of Wigglytuff and pulling up her information. Listed there were her moves as well as her level. Shay nodded. [color=darkorange]"Seems simple enough, anything else?"[/color] Salina questioned, wondering what else the device could do. [color=aqua]"Yeah, it's pretty simple. Last thing is to scan your pokemon and register them in your team. I need to do the same since I changed three of my pokemon. Here, I'll show you how easy it is."[/color] she said. Tapping the pictures of Skarmory, Sylveon and Jellicent, she deleted them and reached to her belt, releasing Azurill, Darumaka and Rufflet in turn. Kneeling down to their level, she gestured for Azurill to come over first. Holding up the Pokedex, it registered Azurill's stats and added him to her team. A symbol popped up that meant it was loading, and when the information upload was complete, it noted the pokemon's level, seven. Acacia would do the same thing with the other two before returning them to their Pokeballs. [color=aqua]"Your turn's."[/color] she said, standing from her crouch. Salina replicated Acacia's actions, doing the same with Duskull and Solosis. Then Shay scanned in Skitty and Torchic, smiling as they popped up on screen. [color=red]"Did I do it right?"[/color] she asked, pointing to her screen. Acacia leaned over to check Salina's then Shay's, nodding in approval. At least they were bright enough to pick up on things easily. That was a good thing. [color=aqua]"Perfect. Remember to do this for other Pokemon you catch. It's not [i]that[/i] important, but it helps to keep track of their progress. That way you know if your pokemon is strong enough to protect you in the more dangerous parts of the region. And... from dangerous trainers."[/color] Clapping her hands together, she smiled. [color=aqua]"Alright! Ready to start?"[/color] [color=red]"W-Wait, what do you mean 'Dangerous Trainers'?"[/color] Shay asked, a worried look crossing her face. [color=aqua]"Well, there are strong people out there who get a kick out of taking down new trainers for fun.I think their bullies, but sometimes they can be really nasty. You never know who you wil run into on a journey. That's why we need to be able to trust one another to have each other's backs. No matter how much our pokemon may want to protect us, they cant always do that. That means we need to be there for eachother no matter what. Even if we may not totally like each other yet."[/color] Acacia said seriously, looking at Salina. [color=darkorange]"I understand, I trust you Acacia,"[/color] Salina said, realizing that that was directed at her. Nodding to her, Acacia gave a smile to Salina and turned to Shay, waiting for her to say something. [color=red]"I trust you too, Acacia,"[/color] Shay said, then she muttered [color=red]"More than I trust Salina,"[/color] Nodding, Acacia thanked her. [color=darkorange]"I did hear that, Shay, if you would rather have me go home and you can go with Acacia just say it,"[/color] Salina said, her expression changing from happy to almost about to cry. Shay stood not knowing what to say, she turned to Acacia. Looking at Shay, she hesitated. Taking a deep breath, she smiled and placed her hand on Salina's shoulder. [color=aqua]"We can change that. If you're willing. I can help you become someone Shay can count on."[/color] she said, hoping the girl would respond in a positive way. [color=darkorange]"Shay hates me and now she wont trust me, you can try but she hates me,"[/color] Salina began to cry, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. [color=red]"I dont hate you Salina, its just sometimes you, kinda, ya' know, insult me,"[/color] Shay said, trying her hardest to sound sympathetic. She came and stood next to Acacia and continued, [color=red]"I [i]want[/i] to trust you, but you need to let me,"[/color] Running out of things to say she looked to Acacia for help. Blinking, Acacia bit her lip. [color=aqua]"We all have things we need to work on. I'm not good with people, Salina is really... emotional, and Shay is..."[/color] she paused. [color=aqua]"not very tolerant of others."[/color] she said quickly before moving on. [color=aqua]"Okay lets get going."[/color] she said, blushing and taking the hands of the girls and pulling them along onto Route 4. [b][u][i]To Be Continued...[/i][/u][/b]