[quote=@lady horatio] [@Jinxer] Welcome to the team! :) [@WeepingLiberty] I can't wait! Will our teams be taking on jobs separately, or joining up together on occasion? (Or, you know, having unexpected crossovers. "What a crazy-random-happenstance!") [/quote] It'll vary. One team might go on a mission while the other is in training... They might go on different missions, they might go on the same mission and they might even go on different missions that result ina "coincidental" crossover. It wont be entirely missions either, this RP will also cover their daily lives, more or less. They'll have training to keep them in shape, often in the form of games. One team vs the other. ^.^ And the characters will all be living together in a facility built especially for them, so we can see the comedic outcomes of dorm life.