Avery hearing his question, Roland listened to her as she explained to him on how she did not mind eating the food given to her whatsoever, refreshing his memory on how she had starved beforehand. She had also added that Mr. Noonan could pick whatever he wanted near the cafeteria the hospital had appetizing, or at least looked good enough to eat, so hopefully he would pick something good, or at least Roland hoped so. [i]“Yeah,”[/i] said Roland, [i]“I don’t know though.”[/i] Once he finished, Avery kept the conversation going by telling him of how nice the hospital was, unlike her last one stating on how cheap it presented itself, stating also that the food was better here than the other place. [i]“Maybe,”[/i] said Roland once more,[i] “Hopefully Mr. Noonan will get something good for us……I mean, me and him, to eat.”[/i] After finishing the food topic, Roland decided to relax himself, turning his head back to the front, staring down at the end of the chair he was laying in. All of a sudden, he heard a television come on, along with a constant sound on remote buttons being pressed. He turned over once more to see Avery was flipping channels, trying to find something to watch to let the time fly by. Finding a movie that caught her attention, she kept it on the channel playing the program. Roland looked over at the television for a moment, uncertain as to what they were watching. Instead of keeping quiet and enjoying the movie, he questioned what it was in particular the both of them were viewing. [i]“Hmm”[/i] said Roland, [i]“Never seen this before. Do you know what it is?”[/i]