[quote=@Mcmolly] I apologize in advance for the headaches Tavi may cause other team members. [@GeliophobHyena] And huh, I dunno I never thought of that. I suppose that would be up to the GM and what he defines as too far ^^ [/quote] Telekinesis always sets up for some interesting pranks. XD I'd have to say that something like that would only work with a stiffer material such as Kevlar armor, normal clothes would just tear at first sign of resistance... Even with the ability trying to hold it together. And would probably fail to work on those with strength based powers. Now... If we're talking the control over a bracelet or watch to get somebody to smack themselves in the face, I'd say your good to go. But it's not entirely up to me, the person you're interacting with has to be okay with it too. [quote=@Dubwarlock] Team Alpha seems very utility-oriented. Not saying this in a bad way at all, I love support roles. [/quote] I tried to break it up so we had an even dispersal of abilities, no doubling up on similar ones... Ended up happening anyway with the addition of a third strength based ability but that's okay. If Jouska, Pathfinder or both are still interested, their abilities might end up changing the entire teams structure. And I also took a few of the personalities into account, hoping that will stir up some drama. Need to keep things interesting do we not? XD