[img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131017185448/marveldatabase/images/3/35/Loki_logo.png[/img] Loki accepted the seat gladly, falling into the offered chair with a little... less grace then he would care to admit. Magic could be quite a taxing art if you weren't careful with how you employed it and it spoke highly of Loki's abilities with it that he had been able to throw as many spells (Some of which were rather large scale) around as he had been in quick succession without suffering the ill effects of the drain; A bit of rest to recover through was highly welcomed. As Bruce gave a rather abridged version of events of how he came to be, it was clear that Loki was intrigued by this 'Gamma Energy' that the man spoke of. While he didn't understand what it was [i][b]yet[/b][/i], a part of him couldn't help but kick himself for missing the chance to bankroll its research himself. Maybe once Banner was set up properly they could try and set something up... It was an interesting thought. The smile that appeared on the former God of Mischief's face at the mention of the 'Norse' gods could have made the sunrise look a little dimmer then normal. "I'm going to admit, I never thought that we would be remembered at all after Ragnarok. True I knew that [i]something[/i] would raise from the ashes once it was all said and done but for so many of our stories to be remembered..." Clicking his tongue a little, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself "Even to this day those doing research on me can't seem to agree on my motives or if I was good or bad. That's the kind of legacy that any trickster would kill for." The chuckles died down a little as Loki looked down at the ground in deep thought. He had never told anyone his side of events before or after 'The End of the World' and he didn't exactly feel in the mood to tell the whole story if only because it was quite a long tale. Still, a part of him felt little sharing a little insight into how things had gone down and why... "Bruce, beware of those who can see the future. Those who can see what is to come often have their own agenda's that they desire to push as they 'guide' others. By the time myself and Odin had discovered this there was far, [i]far[/i] to much bad blood between us for me to have wanted to stop. Even back then I could see that I could have stopped my campaign to end Asgard and sided with Odin to stop the end of the world; During the final assault I could see quite clearly how we might have held out had things been different. But by then to much damage had been done, to much anger and pride on both of our parts to change my mind." There had been a lot of time to think about things after the fact... even more so due to his [i]reward[/i] for his part in things. There had been much that had happened that he regretted in hindsight. Letting out a sigh, he seemed to buck up a little as he looked up at Bruce. "Of course, I was as surprised as anyone that I got a second chance to return to the worlds proper and you can bet I was surprised at how far humans had come since then. It was actually mildly terrifying how quickly things could get out of hand from the littlest of things if you weren't careful. Did a favor for the people who freed me and returned me to Midgard back in nineteen fourteen and you can still see the echos [i]that[/i] left behind..." Loki left it at that. He was sure that Bruce was smart enough to connect those dots together.