ASTA, like with what vilage said evolution even with psychological doesn't work on such short timescales. If this were the case, than why is it that Japan was able to go from a feudal society to a modern democracy in what, 200-300 or so years? Spend thousands of years in clans killing each other, spend a few centuries closed off to the world under a united shogun, proceed to spend a good seven decades conquering everyone else, than after one lost war deciding to adopt western democracy doesn't really work with the "culture is genetically inherited" belief. Because the fundamental issue with what you are asserting is that culture and genetics are intertwined. Which makes no sense at all, I hate to break it to you. Cultures may evolve and may have ethnic associations (like the han ethnicity and china), but someone from one ethnic adopting and assimilating into a foreign culture happens all the time. Culture is far more a identity thing than a genetic thing, which is why cultures can come in and die out even if the ethnic still exists. Egypt is a good example of that. Ethnic Egyptians still exist, but they ceased worshiping the sun millenniums ago. The ancient world and how they handled gods actually debunks the 'culture is inherited' idea as well. For how can you explain to me why there were celts and romans worshiping Ra?