[img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj272/DCGameFreak/DCMarvel/IronManLogo.png~original[/img] New York City, NY Stark Estates “Current speed on main hydro kinetic boosters is optimal.” Tony Stark watched from behind the plexiglass as the engines roared to life on the glove mounted propulsion systems. He was exhausted, it was 1... no 2 in the morning and Tony didn't have much time to get things just right before the leer jet was sending him out to Vegas for the Electronic Consumers Conference. It was the first time the Stark company had ever gone, either in its past form or the new vastly improved Stark Technology, in Tony's eyes at least. To this day he has no idea how his father would take to him doing so much different. Sure the family business was in weaponry, and his grandfather was quite proud of their work. Martin Stark though as much as he worked hard to keep things running smoothly, and as well as he could keep the facade up. The idea of fueling wars always made him cringe a little, it was something Tony only ever seemed to notice, but it was there. As the gloves were finally remote deactivated Tony went around the security barrier and examined the glove. Slipping an arm in it felt perfect inside, not too hot from the over running of the thruster. Slipping the glove back off Tony rubbed his eyes hard as his body began to really lay it on thick that it was getting late and he needed to get some kind of shut eye before the flight at... shit it was in 6 hours. Tony felt like a mess, jeans and a wife beater, his hair just felt sloppy. First things first he needed to sleep and then clean up before the flight. The C.E.C. was going to be so very important for the company. It was by all means a re-introduction into everything the company stands for from here on in. First things first though for Stark... sleeeeeeeeep. New York City, NY La Guardia Airport Tony Stark thankfully not only got a couple hours to rest up, but a showering and changing into some fresh clothes later (complete with awesome Bruce Lee DJ t-shirt) and Tony Stark was good to go. As the limo pulled up to the runway, with the leer jet in waiting Tony Stark smiled from behind his shades as the limo's door opened for him. Waiting him at the door to the jet was a large, almost intimidating black man in mass alone even with a nice suit on. Military trained and primed, James joined the company back when his father wanted someone with inside military knowledge to ensure weapons would not only be better but soldiers would have better understanding and function with them better. After Tony came in James pleaded to keep his position fearing for his personal life. Tony though never once considered dismissing the man. He couldn't bring himself too even if he had too. He wanted someone like James around, someone who wouldn't let him do something stupid. “Please dear God tell me that's not what you're planning on wearing tonight during the presentation.” James already sounded like a worried mom over Tony which made him chuckle. “Oh no I was planning on underwear and tube socks on my hands. It'll be pink underwear I'll wear too, shows I'm caring.” Tony's snark, even with him a bit sleep depraved, was still sharp as ever. “No seriously James I got something in my luggage all pressed and ready to go. I'm just not going to wear it until I have too.” Tony's disdain for suits was something everyone in the company knew. Unless he was speaking to someone from another company or some other situation that called for one Tony just wore whatever to work. Suits were too stuffy, they made him feel like he wasn't him. Like he was just pretending to be someone who he couldn't even imagine being. James to his credit just sighed a bit, quietly and mostly to himself. He was used to the Stark sarcasm, but getting it from someone half his age made it so much worse. As Tony and James boarded the jet, the steward was collecting Tony's luggage from the trunk of the limo. Which Tony watched from a window as he pulled off his shades. He was buckling into his seat when he heard James give a 'hmmm'. “Tony how much sleep did you get last night?” He finally asked seeing the baggage in Tony's eyes. Tony glanced up, busted. He held his hands up defensively. “Sorry I know, just been busy working on something.” Tony immediately regretted mentioning, even as vaguely as he did, the Iron Man project. Tony just waved his hands, “Just don't even ask, we'll talk about it when I think its ready. Just a personal thing.” James shrugged and folded his arms as he leaned back into his seat. “Just so long as it doesn't cause massive explosions.” James casually said, which strangely only got a meek chuckle from Tony. Las Vegas, NV Electronics Consumers Conference “YEAH! KILLED IT!” Tony Stark put his hand up high as several other hands slapped it hard. The showcase presentation was a complete success. Already tech blogs were raving about the new handheld gaming system, plasma TVs, and smart phones with unbreakable plexiglass screens. Then again Tony Stark knew it was all going to be a success. Success was something he needed for the company badly. The company needed big smash hits to be able to rebound after the opening troubles. Sure Tony Stark knew the road as CEO of his family's enterprise was not going to be easy, but turns out investors REALLY don't like the idea of an 18 year old fresh out of High School not only running a major corporation, but completely changing said corporation's main supplies and image. Said young out of high school kid had a lot on his plate, and knew failure would mean the end of the now third generation ran business. As Tony Stark got high five after high five, finally adjusting and loosening up the skinny black tie he had on with his grey shirt and black slacks. “Ah, man I tell ya, The Geto Boys said it best. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!” Tony Stark beamed. “I'm fairly sure CEOs aren't people who should be quoting The Geto Boys.” Tony Stark turned to see the larger James Rhodes. A close friend of his father turned executive of daily operations after Tony put himself in charge. “Whatever, bunch of haters I tell ya.” Tony stated with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Well either way Tony, we still have a few business matters left with the show before I would call it a complete success.” James Rhodes, for as much as Tony both liked and hated it, was always extremely attentive when it came to the details. “The show was great, but I think Stark Technology is really going to need its big thing to really put it over the edge.” Tony paused after getting a can of soda from a catering table to glance back at James. “Wait hold up seriously? I know I wasn't the only one who heard the crowd screaming like pre-teens at a...” Tony Stark realized he didn't realize who was the big it singer right now. “Whoever the Hell concert these days. Beiber still right? No wait uh whatever point is they loved it. What the Hell kind of big thing are they talking about?” Quickly Tony Stark pulled up his smart phone, instantly seeing that while a lot of sites were praising the presentation and items the company had planned. There was a consciousness against a really big item to put the company on the map. Tony's joy had dampened a bit as he flipped through the twitter posts, facebook posts, everything on the web about the show that all seemingly said the same thing. “What the Hell? What did I need to juggle chainsaws while humming AC/DC to make these people happy?” Tony sighed irritated before a thought dawned on him. “Wait! I might have it. Rhodes schedule a press conference at HQ. Next week, early afternoon at the best.” Already Tony saw the press conference in his head and could almost smell the big publicity. Leaving him scratching his chin with a hand, quietly muttering to himself “They want a showstopper? I'll give them a showstopper...” New York City, NY Stark Estate “So promise me that until the press conference what I'm about to show you NEVER leaves this room.” Tony had taken James to the room where the Iron Man project had been made through blood, sweat, and one or two tears Tony is too prideful to admit too. Sure James had seen the place plenty of times, knowing the family as he did. But with the build up there was still something to it he was tense about. “Yeah no its fine Tony, can we just get on with this? You have a dinner tonight with the Japanese people about the potential merger with their company.” James pointed out, as he gestured to his wrist watch. Tony smirked as he shook his head, “Oh trust me we'll have time.” Tony stretched out his arms looking up to the ceiling of the room. “JARVIS? Initiate project Iron Man.” The robotic arms of the room were his father's creation, all of which helped out with his own creations. Now however they brought down a wide array of armor pieces. Red, yellow, and black in color as they snapped in at points and slowly covered Tony Stark's body. The chest's opening perfectly fit the reactor core in Tony as it glowed a bit brighter from the armor giving it that little more work. Soon the helmet latched onto the back of Tony's head and snapped around and closed. The armor hummed to life as Tony's screen caught the image of James in front of him with a staggered jaw. “I know I know, look James if you'd like I can have JARVIS get you a cup for all that drool about to come out.” Tony's voice echoed off of the small speaker in the armor that let him speak from inside the helmet. James remained too stunned to speak for a moment, finally after placing a hand onto his forehead he shook his head and spoke. “Tony... Tony. What's been the big point of the company change?” “To rid the company's warmongering image?” “So... how is our big showstopper suppose to be... a suit of armor that has weapons?” Tony saw where this was going and flipped open the helmet. “Okay hold on before you start connecting the dots that way lets clear some things up. First things first right now the only person who could ever operate this thing is me. So I'm not going to just be handing this out to the US Army anytime soon. Secondly I didn't make this thing for destruction, I made this thing because...” Tony paused, feeling something hit him deep metaphysically. “You made it to get back at the people who killed your father.” James stated. Tony struggled to let the words get out of his throat, he desperately wanted to say yes. It was the images he saw when the suit was first being made. The terrorists in their cave or where ever. Laughing with sadistic glee before he came in. Launching missiles and making them pay dearly. Before he could dwell on any of that though he had a realization. One which was the reason the suit was finished. “Yeah... at first. I wanted to do it so badly but, I know how I can't do that. Not just legally but I can't let myself sink that far, let myself just drop to their level. No I didn't finish this suit to get revenge. I finished this suit so that something like that couldn't happen again. Not to me but to anyone. I just... shit I don't know how to say this. I want to leave the world a better place than when I came into it. So maybe me just making something crazy was the only way I could think to do it, but I know this can do it.” James slowly got up out of his seat, approaching Tony and putting a hand onto the metal shoulder of his suit. “Tony, you're a good kid. Always have been, always will be. If you want to give this a shot I'll go ahead and follow you. I'm just hoping you don't bite off more than you can chew.” “Heh, come on James, when I have ever made a stupid decision?” “Plenty of times Tony. Plenty.”