[center]~| 19:03-20:35 GST |~ ~| Kaggath |~[/center] “You are worth the time, Xid.” Lea found herself answering without fully knowing why. She would not normally have answered like that, but it felt right. She had no idea why. With that said, she wandered away from the others, heading to the other bunk room where she had picked a bed that ought to be out of sight. “I’ll go meditate for a while...” she muttered as she walked away. Compared to the recent weeks, too much had happened this day. She wasn’t used to being around crowds like this anymore. Her feelings and emotions were in turmoil and she really needed to sort them out. Like her master had taught her, she must be the master of her emotions, not let them be her master. The bed she’d chosen was on the upper tier, right beside the door to the central chamber. She half-climbed, half-jumped up, then sat down upon it, her legs crossed, relaxing. Though relaxed, she kept her ears open and her senses ready, for trouble rarely announced itself long enough before for someone to prepare themselves. Only a fool would lay down her guard when anywhere near others she could not fully account for the whims and wills of. She sat like that for a long time, letting the Force flow around her, listening to it. There were few things as revitalizing as meditating upon the Force. She certainly had not learned of any such things in her life. After a bit under an hour and a half, she sensed a powerful presence approaching the complex. There was no doubt in her mind that said presence could only be Darth Nyiss. After two months of being her captive, Lea would recognize that presence anywhere. There were a few options at that point. She could go and confront the Darth, or she could remain as she was, meditating. One option risked unforeseen things happening, the other meant minimal risk. The choice was clear. If the Darth wanted her, she could not do anything to prevent it, so she remained as she was. A couple of minutes after she sensed Nyiss approaching, the presence withdrew again, and Lea knew that she had not been the target at that time.